Covid and Kids

Covid and Kids

#kids #Kids #pregnancy
Correcting revisionist history:
Correcting revisionist history:

“Correcting revisionist history: ‘COVID is not a problem for young people in the US’

Covid responsible (not ‘with’, underlying cause) for 2% of all deaths <20. That's 1 out of every 50 deaths of all kids who die. #1 in infectious diseases, 5th in disease overall…”

COVID-19 deaths created 300,000 American orphans, 330,000 if we count "primary caregivers" and 380,000 if we count "secondary caregivers". That's a lot of childhood harm.

2x as common for Black kids 4x as common for Indigenous kids 1.6X as common for Hispanic kids”


Correcting revisionist history:
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We have NICU transport beds plugged in outside of 2 ICU rooms, waiting for the moms to get to 23 weeks so we can section them. Neither mom is doing well. We are using peds rooms for our stable babies bc our NICU is already full.
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