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This is the story of 16-year-old Cara who stopped wearing a mask after being bullied at school, bringing COVID home to her immunocompromised mother, who tragically died as a result.
This is the story of 16-year-old Cara who stopped wearing a mask after being bullied at school, bringing COVID home to her immunocompromised mother, who tragically died as a result.

This is the story of 16-year-old Cara who stopped wearing a mask after being bullied at school, bringing COVID home to her immunocompromised mother, who tragically died as a result.

These stories must be told and we must learn from them.

This is the story of 16-year-old Cara who stopped wearing a mask after being bullied at school, bringing COVID home to her immunocompromised mother, who tragically died as a result.
Risk of children orphaned from COVID-19 highest in poorest countries: In poorest countries, each COVID-19 death estimated to result in 1.56 orphans -- vs 0.09 orphans in high-GDP countries
Risk of children orphaned from COVID-19 highest in poorest countries: In poorest countries, each COVID-19 death estimated to result in 1.56 orphans -- vs 0.09 orphans in high-GDP countries
In poorest countries, each COVID-19 death estimated to result in 1.56 orphans"
Risk of children orphaned from COVID-19 highest in poorest countries: In poorest countries, each COVID-19 death estimated to result in 1.56 orphans -- vs 0.09 orphans in high-GDP countries