Rise in acute hepatitis among kids with Covid in MP’s Sagar
A team of medical from Bundelkhand Medical College (BMC), Sagar, Madhya Pradesh examined 475 Covid-positive children and found about 8% of children with Covid Acquired Hepatitis (CAH).
Thread A solid hypothesis for the basis of the mysterious, severe acute hepatitis in children: superantigen formation from prior Covid viral reservoir in the GI tract with superimposed adenovirus infection https://thelancet.com/journals/langas/article/PIIS2468-1253(22)00166-2/fulltext @LancetGastroHep
Thread A detailed 🧵 on the alarming rise in cases of acute liver failure in healthy children:
Media + scientific bodies have placed undue emphasis on Adenovirus infection as the leading culprit in such cases of liver failure.
Let us see if this claim holds water [short answer: No!]
COVID-19 Associated Hepatitis in Children (CAH-C) during the second wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Central India: Is it a complication or transient phenomenon.