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Sarah Hannett KC, LCK quoted on impact
Sarah Hannett KC, LCK quoted on impact
The pandemic had a “profound” & lasting impact on their (CYP with #LongCovid) lives, which had been exacerbated by the message that Covid-19 was harmless to children. “The inaccuracy of that message has been fatal,”
Sarah Hannett KC, LCK quoted on impact
Pediatric Long Covid Awareness Week 2024 - Long Covid Families
Pediatric Long Covid Awareness Week 2024 - Long Covid Families

Nearly 6M children in the U.S. are affected by #LongCovid, up to 1 in 5 kids experiencing symptoms.

Pediatric Long Covid Awareness Week 2024 Spreading Awareness, Accelerating Research Join us in raising awareness and accelerating research to support children affected by Long Covid.

Pediatric Long Covid Awareness Week 2024 Spreading Awareness, Accelerating Research Join us in raising awareness and accelerating research to support children affected by Long Covid.
Pediatric Long Covid Awareness Week 2024 - Long Covid Families
Molecular mimicry in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
Molecular mimicry in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
“Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a severe, post-infectious sequela of SARS-CoV-2 infection1,2, yet the pathophysiological mechanism connecting the infection to the broad inflammatory syndrome remains unknown. Here we leveraged a large set of samples from patients with MIS-C to identify a distinct set of host proteins targeted by patient autoantibodies including a particular autoreactive epitope within SNX8, a protein involved in regulating an antiviral pathway associated with MIS-C”
Molecular mimicry in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
Some parents might miss signs their child has long COVID - WTOP News
Some parents might miss signs their child has long COVID - WTOP News
“COVID isn’t behind us — not yet, at least. And there are millions of kids in the U.S. suffering the effects of what’s called long COVID, according to medical journal Pediatrics.”
COVID isn’t behind us — not yet, at least. And there are millions of kids in the U.S. suffering the effects of what’s called long COVID, according to medical journal Pediatrics.
Some parents might miss signs their child has long COVID - WTOP News
Children and adolescents experience unique long COVID symptoms
Children and adolescents experience unique long COVID symptoms
"Alarmingly, 33% and 27% of asymptomatic children and adolescents were observed to suffer from long COVID symptoms despite a lack of clinical COVID-19 history suggesting that the prevalence of long COVID in these populations may be significantly higher than previously assumed."
Children and adolescents experience unique long COVID symptoms
Long COVID is a "public health crisis for kids," experts say
Long COVID is a "public health crisis for kids," experts say

Long COVID is a "public health crisis for kids," experts say New research sheds light on the growing burden of pediatric long COVID while it continues to be ignored

Long COVID is a "public health crisis for kids," experts say New research sheds light on the growing burden of pediatric long COVID while it continues to be ignored
Long COVID is a "public health crisis for kids," experts say
My 7 year old niece, who contracted Covid 4x during the last school year, no longer knows her cousin (my daughter) nor her Granddad.
My 7 year old niece, who contracted Covid 4x during the last school year, no longer knows her cousin (my daughter) nor her Granddad.

“My 7 year old niece, who contracted Covid 4x during the last school year, no longer knows her cousin (my daughter) nor her Granddad.

A few days before her last infection she told my Mom how much she misses Granddad and how he would give her everything!

The week before her last infection she Facetime my daughter and I to recite her Bible verse for the week.

Then she got Covid, started losing things, has problems with word finding, and obvious memory loss.

This happened in May.

My SIL can’t get her in to see a Neurologist until November because all appointments are taken.

Is this the government AND the citizens of this country have decided is ok?”

My 7 year old niece, who contracted Covid 4x during the last school year, no longer knows her cousin (my daughter) nor her Granddad.
I just heard from a friend whose 6-year old is 3 weeks out from a Covid infection and is having tachycardia and extreme fatigue and needed resources and support. I'm just so heartbroken about what our society is doing to kids.
I just heard from a friend whose 6-year old is 3 weeks out from a Covid infection and is having tachycardia and extreme fatigue and needed resources and support. I'm just so heartbroken about what our society is doing to kids.
“just heard from a friend whose 6-year old is 3 weeks out from a Covid infection and is having tachycardia and extreme fatigue and needed resources and support. I'm just so heartbroken about what our society is doing to kids.”
I just heard from a friend whose 6-year old is 3 weeks out from a Covid infection and is having tachycardia and extreme fatigue and needed resources and support. I'm just so heartbroken about what our society is doing to kids.
Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents
Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents
This study developed research indices for characterizing PASC in children and adolescents. Symptom patterns were similar but distinguishable between the 2 groups, highlighting the importance of characterizing PASC separately for these age ranges.
This study developed research indices for characterizing PASC in children and adolescents. Symptom patterns were similar but distinguishable between the 2 groups, highlighting the importance of characterizing PASC separately for these age ranges.
Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents
Researchers Aim to Pull Back the Curtain on Long COVID in Kids | Rutgers University
Researchers Aim to Pull Back the Curtain on Long COVID in Kids | Rutgers University
“In the most comprehensive national study since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a team of researchers that includes a Rutgers-organized consortium of pediatric sites has concluded that long COVID symptoms in children are tangible, pervasive, wide ranging and clinically distinct within specific age groups.”
Researchers Aim to Pull Back the Curtain on Long COVID in Kids | Rutgers University
Studies show that up to 70% of people who get infected from COVID-19 suffer from organ damage—especially adolescents and children.
Studies show that up to 70% of people who get infected from COVID-19 suffer from organ damage—especially adolescents and children.

Studies show that up to 70% of people who get infected from COVID-19 suffer from organ damage—especially adolescents and children.

This takes a while to find; they may not notice symptoms until a year or more later.

And that's just the damage tha

Studies show that up to 70% of people who get infected from COVID-19 suffer from organ damage—especially adolescents and children.
Kids are losing 'huge chunks' of their childhood to long COVID. Too many are being told it's 'all in their head'
Kids are losing 'huge chunks' of their childhood to long COVID. Too many are being told it's 'all in their head'
"I want people to know that I'm not lying, [long COVID] is real and can happen to anyone," Vivien says. "I want people to know I'm not just trying to get out of doing school or sport — I wish I could do sport … I wish they understood I am just trying to save myself from being stuck in bed in pain for days afterwards."
"I want people to know that I'm not lying, [long COVID] is real and can happen to anyone," Vivien says. "I want people to know I'm not just trying to get out of doing school or sport — I wish I could do sport … I wish they understood I am just trying to save myself from being stuck in bed in pain for days afterwards."
Kids are losing 'huge chunks' of their childhood to long COVID. Too many are being told it's 'all in their head'
Fmb 2021 0285
Fmb 2021 0285
Clinical characteristics, activity levels and mental health problems in children with long coronavirus disease: a survey of 510 children
Fmb 2021 0285

New study:

“12-16% children and youth infected with Omicron met the research definition of #LongCovid at 3 and 6 months after infection, with no evidence of difference between cases of first-positive and reinfection”

This study by Shamez Ladhani & others suggests the COVID-19 response is wrong. Children are at as much risk of LC from reinfection as the are from primary infection.
FedericoAMC, MS on Twitter
FedericoAMC, MS on Twitter

Excellent detailed thread on Covid and Kids A 🧵 on children and C-vid.

We are woefully uninformed with regards to the long term effects of this novel pathogen hence it would be wise to protect our children. It is our responsibility. Wear a 😷 . Advocate for clean air. 💉 yourself and your family.

FedericoAMC, MS on Twitter