The kids are not alright: Data suggests 10% of children with COVID-19 become "long-haulers" January 2022
Thread 4) The willful neglect of children during this pandemic will go down in history as among the most sociopathic heinous political decisions of the pandemic. Here are record after record for pediatric #COVID19 hospitalizations in 🏴— just continued surges of kids in 🏥 w/ #Omicron
Thread Shocking data from England. On 22 October, 4% of pre-primary & primary school children & 9% of high school children were estimated to CURRENTLY have COVID-19.
Infections are rising in parents: 25 Sep: 0.8% 2 Oct: 1.2% 9 Oct: 1.2% 16 Oct: 1.5% 22 Oct: 1.8%
Thread Now that the kid has their first vaccine AND a sample for antibody test, there will be 3-4 weeks to confirm if the child has antibodies to COVID.
This long period of time offers tons of flexibility to ensure a highly accurate result is obtained - I’ll give examples below
Thread Our pre-print on a #SARSCoV2 #Alpha variant outbreak in a primary #school in Geneva - epidemiological and virological investigation - what have we found & what have we done? #COVID19 #children #Switzerland
Thread 1/🧵 “Let kids get #Covid”
This struthious (ostrich-like) mantra is wrong-headed.
✅ Kids can get super sick w #COVID ✅ Kids can suffer #LongCovid ✅ Kids spread virus to vulnerable adults ✅ Kids wears #masks proudly ✅ Kids should be #vaccinated when able
Children could be dangerous carriers of virus Study finds kids to be potential spreaders of COVID-19 and emerging variants October 2021
Clinical features of pediatric post-acute COVID-19: a descriptive retrospective follow-up study August 2021
Children with long covid:
“Almost half of children who contract covid-19 may have lasting symptoms,” Known in March 2021
Kids can, and should, wear masks in schools “The results have been stunning: in San Francisco schools there have been only seven cases of transmission this year. Contrast that to England, where last week 270,000 schoolchildren were infected. Of those, around 1 per cent may be hospitalised”.
Thread I'm sorry to point out that @GaDPH has a newly reported pediatric death from COVID-19 in today's report. He was a 9 year old boy from Richmond county. His is the 17th pediatric death since the start of the pandemic. I'm so very sorry for his family, his community, his care team.
Thread Per the AAP, 174 kids have died of Covid since this was posted.
This article did not even acknowledge children could die from the virus.
Thread Case rate (per 100k) among 5-9 year olds has almost matched the rate in 20-29 year olds.