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Mid- and Long-Term Atrio-Ventricular Functional Changes in Children after Recovery from COVID-19
Mid- and Long-Term Atrio-Ventricular Functional Changes in Children after Recovery from COVID-19

"Our study demonstrated for the first time the persistence of LV myocardial deformation abnormalities in previously healthy children with an asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic COVID-19 course after an average follow-up of 148 ± 68 days.


Mid- and Long-Term Atrio-Ventricular Functional Changes in Children after Recovery from COVID-19
Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 infection in children's tonsils
Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 infection in children's tonsils
"Positive immunostaining in adenotonsillar tissue samples suggest lymphoid tissue can be a reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 and may play an important role in community dissemination...unclear for how long the tissue can sustain SARS-CoV-2 in a persistent infection"
Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 infection in children's tonsils
tern on Twitter
tern on Twitter

Thread Covid infects and kills dendritic cells and lymphocytes (cells that are used in fighting infection) in the tonsils - where Strep A has attacked these children. 3/

tern on Twitter
Disruption in seasonality, patient characteristics and disparities of respiratory syncytial virus infection among young children in the US during and before the COVID-19 pandemic: 2010-2022
Disruption in seasonality, patient characteristics and disparities of respiratory syncytial virus infection among young children in the US during and before the COVID-19 pandemic: 2010-2022
Among RSV-infected children in 2022, 19.2% had prior documented COVID-19 infection, significantly higher than the 9.7% among uninfected children, suggesting that prior COVID-19 could be a risk factor for RSV infection
Disruption in seasonality, patient characteristics and disparities of respiratory syncytial virus infection among young children in the US during and before the COVID-19 pandemic: 2010-2022
Post-COVID-19-associated morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults: A matched cohort study including more than 157,000 individuals with COVID-19 in Germany
Post-COVID-19-associated morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults: A matched cohort study including more than 157,000 individuals with COVID-19 in Germany
...we observed significant new onset morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults across 13 prespecified diagnosis/symptom complexes, following COVID-19 infection. These findings expand the existing available evidence on post-COVID-19 conditions..."
Post-COVID-19-associated morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults: A matched cohort study including more than 157,000 individuals with COVID-19 in Germany
Changes in Distribution of Severe Neurologic Involvement in US Pediatric Inpatients With COVID-19 or MIS-C
Changes in Distribution of Severe Neurologic Involvement in US Pediatric Inpatients With COVID-19 or MIS-C

Kids #COVID19: 22% had neurologic involvement. 9% had life-threatening conditions, with half having acute central nervous system (CNS) infections or demyelination; 43% died or had new neurologic deficits. #Notacold via @JAMANeuro part of @JAMANetwork

Changes in Distribution of Severe Neurologic Involvement in US Pediatric Inpatients With COVID-19 or MIS-C
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter

Sunday quickstats:

In the twelve months from Sep 2020 to Sep 2021 an average of 1.4 children a day died of COVID

1,276 children have died of COVID in the last twelve months -- 3.5 a day

Last month an average of 3.2 children (0-17yo) a day died of COVID in the United States

Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter

Thread Prior to COVID, brain cancer was the largest disease killer of children

Today, COVID is the largest disease killer of children

NB: Individual cancers are broken out, not aggregated together under a single "cancer" category

That is the right way to do this kind of comparison

Gregory Travis. Make schools #DavosSafe on Twitter
Schools Are Significant Sites of COVID Transmission
Schools Are Significant Sites of COVID Transmission

Schools Are Significant Sites of COVID Transmission

"An analysis of surveillance data for almost 1000 exposures to SARS-CoV-2 found that students accounted for a higher proportion of infected individuals who caused onward transmission than did the public"

Schools Are Significant Sites of COVID Transmission
Safety in Numbers - on Twitter
Safety in Numbers - on Twitter

October 2022 One thing that IS totally clear about US kid COVID deaths, is they are getting worse every year.

2020 - 219 kids died 2021 - 798 died 2022 (Jan-Aug) - 705 died, on track for > 1100+ child COVID deaths

It isn't getting better. It isn't "mild". We're endangering our children.

Safety in Numbers - on Twitter
MaskTogetherAmerica on Twitter
MaskTogetherAmerica on Twitter

Thread A @cwru study shows: Children are substantially more at risk of developing #T1D after infected w/ #COVID19. Research should lead to action. @CDCDirector

@POTUS What are your next steps? Share the truth about #LongCovid, so ppl will take precautions. 🧵

MaskTogetherAmerica on Twitter
Bambino morto per Covid a Torino: aveva 10 anni, il virus l’ha portato via in meno di 48 ore
Bambino morto per Covid a Torino: aveva 10 anni, il virus l’ha portato via in meno di 48 ore
Lorenzo, or nicknamed Lollo, died from covid complications in January 2022 in Turin, Italy. He was 10. Covid triggered rhabdomyolysis: a severe, potentially fatal condition which causes muscle destruction and organ damage.
Bambino morto per Covid a Torino: aveva 10 anni, il virus l’ha portato via in meno di 48 ore