Neurological and psychiatric risk trajectories after SARS-CoV-2 infection: an analysis of 2-year retrospective cohort studies including 1 284 437 patients
Children who got COVID-19 had increased risks of cognitive deficit, insomnia, intracranial haemorrhage, ischaemic stroke, nerve root & plexus disorders, psychotic disorders, and epilepsy or seizures (HRs: 1·20 to 2·16)."
COVID-19 is not flu, certainly.
Mike Hoerger, PhD MSCR MBA on Twitter
New @TheLancetPsych study of 1.5 million people shows #COVID increases risk of cognitive decline, dementia, epilepsy, & psychosis.
Most striking finding, to me, is that it documents the serious outcomes in kids. #LongCOVID