Thread the COVID-19 infected children were 2.5x more likely to have elevated levels of enzymes that indicate liver damage, and 3.3x more likely to have elevated bilirubin, a pigment in red blood cells normally processed by the liver. That can be sign of diminished liver function."
Thread A solid hypothesis for the basis of the mysterious, severe acute hepatitis in children: superantigen formation from prior Covid viral reservoir in the GI tract with superimposed adenovirus infection @LancetGastroHep
Thread A detailed 🧵 on the alarming rise in cases of acute liver failure in healthy children:
Media + scientific bodies have placed undue emphasis on Adenovirus infection as the leading culprit in such cases of liver failure.
Let us see if this claim holds water [short answer: No!]
Health Ministry reports 12 cases of mysterious liver disease in children Hepatitis, or liver inflammation, has popped up in young patients in at least seven countries, but the usual viral culprits have not been present