Concerns grow for kids as COVID-19 delta variant continues to spread and hospitalizations rise
“The most scary to me are the ones that are coming after one month or two months with the multi-system inflammatory syndrome. They come with neurological compromises, G.I. compromises—and Myocarditis is almost universal in all of those children. They are scary to treat,”
Laura Miers on Twitter
All three of my kids got Covid. Their hair is still falling out. Eldest has chest pain, exercise intolerance. Middle son has no hunger/thirst/taste & has lost weight; my youngest can’t feel his full bladder, & holds it until he sweats. No one knows what the future holds for kids.
Heather #Vaccinated Haq, MD, MHS, FAAP on Twitter
We are officially back to getting crushed by #COVID, and for #pediatricians this wave feels worse in many ways. And as a pediatric hospitalist who has been a front-line COVID doctor for the entire pandemic, I’m going to share what I’ve seen the last 8 days on service. 1/
A 4th Mississippi child dies from COVID as delta variant creates issues for young people
A 4th Mississippi child dies from COVID as delta variant creates issues for young people
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PedsGI 🇨🇦🇵🇱 🌻 on Twitter
Let this sink in: "1 in 3 children hospitalized with COVID-19 in the US were admitted to the ICU, similar to the rate among adults"
We are actively allowing #Delta to spread & infect UNVACCINATED children.
This is NOT like the flu. We CAN NOT vaccinate children against COVID.
Vonnie 🌎 We Are All Siblings on Twitter
“The difference with the Delta variant is how it’s affecting children. We have 17 children admitted to Arkansas Children’s Hospital with COVID: eight are in the ICU, five are requiring mechanical ventilation. ALL of the children in the ICU were vaccine eligible.” - Rick Barr, MD
CBS News on Twitter
School-aged children in Louisiana now make up the third largest number of new COVID infections in the state: "This delta variant changes the game ... children are more ill, they require higher levels of care and sadly I think we will see more deaths in the coming weeks."