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100 children sent home sick in one day from a small charter school in New Mexico. That’s how fast this mutation of Covid spreads. Liver, lower lungs, lower heart ventricles, and both kidneys inflamed. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain - and sudden side effects to psychiatric meds.
100 children sent home sick in one day from a small charter school in New Mexico. That’s how fast this mutation of Covid spreads. Liver, lower lungs, lower heart ventricles, and both kidneys inflamed. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain - and sudden side effects to psychiatric meds.
100 children sent home sick in one day from a small charter school in New Mexico. That’s how fast this mutation of Covid spreads. Liver, lower lungs, lower heart ventricles, and both kidneys inflamed. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain - and sudden side effects to psychiatric meds.
Studies show that up to 70% of people who get infected from COVID-19 suffer from organ damage—especially adolescents and children.
Studies show that up to 70% of people who get infected from COVID-19 suffer from organ damage—especially adolescents and children.

Studies show that up to 70% of people who get infected from COVID-19 suffer from organ damage—especially adolescents and children.

This takes a while to find; they may not notice symptoms until a year or more later.

And that's just the damage tha

Studies show that up to 70% of people who get infected from COVID-19 suffer from organ damage—especially adolescents and children.
Mid-South elementary school shut down due to COVID cases
Mid-South elementary school shut down due to COVID cases

August 13, 2024

HUMBOLDT, Tenn. - Just days into the new school year, one Mid-South elementary school has already had to shut down due to an uptick in COVID cases.

HUMBOLDT, Tenn. - Just days into the new school year, one Mid-South elementary school has already had to shut down due to an uptick in COVID cases.
Mid-South elementary school shut down due to COVID cases
On the CDC website…
On the CDC website…
August 2024 advice from CDC: kids wear a mask at school to precent Covid infection. Covid is not over. Covid has NEVER been over.
On the CDC website…
False divisions and dubious equivalencies
False divisions and dubious equivalencies
Full text of paper about human rights violations during the ongoing pandemic through lack of mitigations in schools is now available online via @ManchesterUP
False divisions and dubious equivalencies
Abnormal Brain Scans In Children With COVID-19 Revealed In Data From 96 Studies
Abnormal Brain Scans In Children With COVID-19 Revealed In Data From 96 Studies

There is a physical change in the brain’ in children with neurological damage from COVID.

In Data From 96 Studies

“Our findings reveal that a substantial proportion of pediatric COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms exhibit abnormal neuroimaging findings, with 43.74 percent of children in the included studies demonstrating such abnormalities,”

Abnormal Brain Scans In Children With COVID-19 Revealed In Data From 96 Studies
Abnormal Brain Scans In Children With COVID-19 Revealed In Data From 96 Studies
Kids are losing 'huge chunks' of their childhood to long COVID. Too many are being told it's 'all in their head'
Kids are losing 'huge chunks' of their childhood to long COVID. Too many are being told it's 'all in their head'
"I want people to know that I'm not lying, [long COVID] is real and can happen to anyone," Vivien says. "I want people to know I'm not just trying to get out of doing school or sport — I wish I could do sport … I wish they understood I am just trying to save myself from being stuck in bed in pain for days afterwards."
"I want people to know that I'm not lying, [long COVID] is real and can happen to anyone," Vivien says. "I want people to know I'm not just trying to get out of doing school or sport — I wish I could do sport … I wish they understood I am just trying to save myself from being stuck in bed in pain for days afterwards."
Kids are losing 'huge chunks' of their childhood to long COVID. Too many are being told it's 'all in their head'
Pro-Infection Doctors Didn’t Just Want Kids in School. They Wanted Them There Unvaccinated, Untested, and Unmasked. They Wanted Them Infected.
Pro-Infection Doctors Didn’t Just Want Kids in School. They Wanted Them There Unvaccinated, Untested, and Unmasked. They Wanted Them Infected.

“In a prior essay, I discussed how the We Want Them Infected movement is trying to rebrand itself as the All We Really Wanted Was Poor Kids in School movement. With their assurances that the mass infection of unvaccinated youth would lead to herd immunity in 3-6 months in tatters, pro-infection doctors are now furiously trying to rewrite history, portraying themselves as nothing more than selfless warriors for children and their education.

The facts tell a different story.”

Pro-Infection Doctors Didn’t Just Want Kids in School. They Wanted Them There Unvaccinated, Untested, and Unmasked. They Wanted Them Infected.
Diego Bassani, PhD on Twitter
Diego Bassani, PhD on Twitter

Thread Remember 2020, when we protected kids from infections, and then were told schools were safe, and also that kids would not die? Well, the data disagrees. Reference years are 2016-2018, to enable 2019 as a pre-pandemic comparator.

Diego Bassani, PhD on Twitter
Fmb 2021 0285
Fmb 2021 0285
Clinical characteristics, activity levels and mental health problems in children with long coronavirus disease: a survey of 510 children
Fmb 2021 0285
Harry Spoelstra on Twitter
Harry Spoelstra on Twitter

Thread Type 2 diabetes increased among youth during and after COVID-19 pandemic(Endocrine Society):

➡️The number of children(0-18y) diagnosed with type 1 and 2 diabetes continued to rise in the year following the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic(2021-2022):

T2D: +37% T1D: +106%

➡️They first tried to blame “school shutdowns causing kids to be less active, snacking more often, or eating more unhealthy foods led to increased weight gain and more cases of type 2 diabetes”…..but that didn’t work out well😉

➡️The increase in the proportion of new onset diabetes patients who developed T2D from years one(pre-pandemic) to four(second pandemic year) was statistically significant higher.

➡️Even though we may have returned to pre-pandemic times in several aspects, the increased risk of our youth developing type 2 diabetes that started during the pandemic has persisted"

➡️Striking……..No words on T1D anymore!

Harry Spoelstra on Twitter
Case report: Post-COVID new-onset neurocognitive decline with bilateral mesial-temporal hypometabolism in two previously healthy sisters
Case report: Post-COVID new-onset neurocognitive decline with bilateral mesial-temporal hypometabolism in two previously healthy sisters
Initially, the children's severe brain decline was blamed on pandemic anxiety, however upon a real investigation it was found that they have 'significant brain hypometabolism.'
Case report: Post-COVID new-onset neurocognitive decline with bilateral mesial-temporal hypometabolism in two previously healthy sisters
More than 70% of US household COVID spread started with a child, study suggests
More than 70% of US household COVID spread started with a child, study suggests
Over 70% of household #COVID19 spread started with a child, says new study of 850,000 US households. Younger kids under 8 more likely source of transmission than kids 9-17. 📌In-person schools “also resulted in substantial spread”. Just the facts.
More than 70% of US household COVID spread started with a child, study suggests