Laura Miers on Twitter
All three of my kids got Covid. Their hair is still falling out. Eldest has chest pain, exercise intolerance. Middle son has no hunger/thirst/taste & has lost weight; my youngest can’t feel his full bladder, & holds it until he sweats. No one knows what the future holds for kids.
Heather #Vaccinated Haq, MD, MHS, FAAP on Twitter
We are officially back to getting crushed by #COVID, and for #pediatricians this wave feels worse in many ways. And as a pediatric hospitalist who has been a front-line COVID doctor for the entire pandemic, I’m going to share what I’ve seen the last 8 days on service. 1/
PedsGI 🇨🇦🇵🇱 🌻 on Twitter
Let this sink in: "1 in 3 children hospitalized with COVID-19 in the US were admitted to the ICU, similar to the rate among adults"
We are actively allowing #Delta to spread & infect UNVACCINATED children.
This is NOT like the flu. We CAN NOT vaccinate children against COVID.
Vonnie 🌎 We Are All Siblings on Twitter
“The difference with the Delta variant is how it’s affecting children. We have 17 children admitted to Arkansas Children’s Hospital with COVID: eight are in the ICU, five are requiring mechanical ventilation. ALL of the children in the ICU were vaccine eligible.” - Rick Barr, MD