Sunday quickstats:
In the twelve months from Sep 2020 to Sep 2021 an average of 1.4 children a day died of COVID
1,276 children have died of COVID in the last twelve months -- 3.5 a day
Last month an average of 3.2 children (0-17yo) a day died of COVID in the United States
Thread COVID-19: Students infect more people than adults and thousands miss class
Contact tracing found students represented 42.6% of infected individuals causing onward transmission compared to 25% of non-students on average ( ). H/T: @rdmorris 🧵1/
Thread Prior to COVID, brain cancer was the largest disease killer of children
Today, COVID is the largest disease killer of children
NB: Individual cancers are broken out, not aggregated together under a single "cancer" category
That is the right way to do this kind of comparison
Thread COVID-19: Pediatric Diabetes, Lung Damage, Brain Impact, Newborns, and Higher Hospitalization Rates
Studies show kids are also at risk of long-term consequences from infection and especially those <5 for higher rates of hospitalization than most adults. Let's take a look.🧵1/
Schools Are Significant Sites of COVID Transmission
"An analysis of surveillance data for almost 1000 exposures to SARS-CoV-2 found that students accounted for a higher proportion of infected individuals who caused onward transmission than did the public"
October 2022 One thing that IS totally clear about US kid COVID deaths, is they are getting worse every year.
2020 - 219 kids died 2021 - 798 died 2022 (Jan-Aug) - 705 died, on track for > 1100+ child COVID deaths
It isn't getting better. It isn't "mild". We're endangering our children.
Thread A @cwru study shows: Children are substantially more at risk of developing #T1D after infected w/ #COVID19. Research should lead to action. @CDCDirector
@POTUS What are your next steps? Share the truth about #LongCovid, so ppl will take precautions. 🧵
Thread It is not just adults that die from COVID-19. A recent study in Japan looked at 41 children under the age of 20 who were infected and died between January and August of this year, 73% within a week after symptom onset ( ). H/T: @KatePri14608408 10/
Prevalence of symptoms, comorbidities, fibrin amyloid microclots and platelet pathology in individuals with Long COVID/ Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) We are sending children to school with no mitigations and a 5% chance of a disease that damages you blood vessels.🩸 ALL 80 patients tested in this paper had moderate microclots.
"A Colorado teen’s long COVID isn’t just persisting — after 2 years, it’s getting worse"
"Lilly Downs, now 18, is fighting life-threatening infections as doctors try to solve “a very big medical mystery”