Covid and Kids

Covid and Kids

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Independent SAGE on Twitter
Independent SAGE on Twitter
"It's not that schools are worse than other indoor places. But they are an indoor place. And they're an indoor place that often has poor ventilation, that does have crowding, and that now has the single population that is the least vaccinated."
Independent SAGE on Twitter
CDC on Twitter
CDC on Twitter
From late June to mid-August 2021, there was a 10x increase in the rate of hospitalizations among children ages 0-4 with #COVID19 while the #DeltaVariant was widely circulating. It is critical for children to #maskup and get vaccinated if eligible. Learn more:
CDC on Twitter
Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter
Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter
BREAKING—Pediatric #COVID19 hospitalizations surging in Florida, now ~4x previous levels. New analysis from our team of HHS hospitalization data shows that as pediatric hospitalizations surge, adult hospitalizations are slowing, but remain at record high. Figure by @wkdragon88
Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter
David Begnaud on Twitter
David Begnaud on Twitter
“…not recognizing that they bring harm to their community. There are no more pediatric beds available. The Pediatric ICU is full. My son who may not live is actually one of the less sick children in the unit- and it has been surreal to watch him struggle to live and breathe…”
David Begnaud on Twitter
Phil Williams on Twitter
Phil Williams on Twitter
MONDAY A.M. UPDATE: This morning, Tennessee continues to set records for #COVID19 pediatric hospitalizations and approaches record for overall hospitalizations. Right now, there are 16 children in ICU with COVID, nine of them are on ventilators. 1/
Phil Williams on Twitter
Eric Topol on Twitter
Eric Topol on Twitter

This might help explain why US hospitalizations are

100,000 in the Delta wave relative to the 3rd wave when there were no vaccinations. And the higher % of children who are getting hospitalized. The Delta high viral load/dose may be the culprit

Eric Topol on Twitter
Rob Swanda on Twitter
Rob Swanda on Twitter

2,339 US children were hospitalized with COVID-19 last week.

this is the 4th week in a row of record breaking child hospitalizations from COVID-19.

as the unqualified 'play' life & death with science these numbers will only worsen.

Rob Swanda on Twitter
Case Rates Increased Among Children Ages 5 to 11; Increasing Vaccinations Among Eligible Children is Most Critical Step to Dramatically Reduce Transmission in School Settings
LA Public Health on Twitter
LA Public Health on Twitter

Case Rates Increased Among Children Ages 5 to 11; Increasing Vaccinations Among Eligible Children is Most Critical Step to Dramatically Reduce Transmission in School Settings. 38 New Deaths and 2,277 New Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in LA County. View

LA Public Health on Twitter
Dr. Deepti Gurdasani on Twitter
Dr. Deepti Gurdasani on Twitter

Not sure how this can be described as 'reassuring' at all. 1 in 7 children having persistent symptoms at 15 weeks with ~34,000 children estimated to be affected (very similar to ONS estimates). Quite shocked by some of the media spin I've seen on this.🧵

Dr. Deepti Gurdasani on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter
laurie allee on Twitter
About that pandemic of the unvaccinated...all children under 12 are not #vaccinated ,and try as you might to twist yourself into a pretzel of denial, kids are getting really sick with #DeltaVariant:
laurie allee on Twitter