Brain damage after even mild Covid in kids: Omicron is much better at invading children's noses, predicts memory issues. "Severity of smell dysfunction after infection may be a better predictor of long-term cognitive impairment than severity of COVID-19"

Covid and Kids
Thread on kids Covid deaths Five weeks later the CDC tracker now reports 1,656 pediatric covid deaths
Data cover-up deepens as at least 3 children die of COVID every day in the US From July 2022
Last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that it would discontinue publishing child hospitalization and mortality in its weekly “Children & COVID-19” report.
Minimising the experience of children living with #LongCovid has an ongoing impact on those suffering.
"This is Daniel. He is 16 - LC for 16 months. Due to ongoing stomach pains, he is scared of eating & now has an eating disorder too, skin & bone"
#LongCovidKids #ChildHealth
Last week, nearly 76,000 children tested positive for the virus, up from the 63,000 pediatric cases reported the week prior, according to a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association." From July 2022
The World's Largest Study On Long COVID-19 In Infants & Toddlers:
“40% of children under the age of 3 continued to suffer from certain symptoms two months after they were infected”
Thread the COVID-19 infected children were 2.5x more likely to have elevated levels of enzymes that indicate liver damage, and 3.3x more likely to have elevated bilirubin, a pigment in red blood cells normally processed by the liver. That can be sign of diminished liver function."
Thread A solid hypothesis for the basis of the mysterious, severe acute hepatitis in children: superantigen formation from prior Covid viral reservoir in the GI tract with superimposed adenovirus infection @LancetGastroHep
Conversation now with the mother of a child who got COVID a month ago, had to go to ER for fluids, and now slowly recovering with a huge setback yesterday:
“But he’s only 11. Why is this happening to him?”
Please keep your children safe.
Masks and vaccines are not lockdowns.
This translates as #SARSCoV2 COVID19 causing bone marrow failure in children who previously had normal immune systems. It’s rare, but the more we allow unmitigated spread amongst kids, with millions of infections/reinfections, we will see more of these horrific effects. #COVID19
one in 100 kids get MIS-C / PIMS after Covid infection???
"Harvard University on paediatric Covid-19 has found about 1 percent of children are developing a related disease called multiple inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)"
Thread A detailed 🧵 on the alarming rise in cases of acute liver failure in healthy children:
Media + scientific bodies have placed undue emphasis on Adenovirus infection as the leading culprit in such cases of liver failure.
Let us see if this claim holds water [short answer: No!]
Thread 1/ Covid: Study from India shows 'sudden rise' in children with Hepatitis after 'mild' and asymptomatic infections as UKHSA claims that the sudden rise in Hep in kids in the UK is due to a common cold virus. Kids developed Hep after mild and asymptomatic infections.
UWindsor researchers discover children’s mental health worsens when COVID-19 cases surge “Our findings suggest that measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, such as masks and vaccines, may be substantially beneficial to children’s mental health both now and in the future.”