Covid and Kids
Health Ministry reports 12 cases of mysterious liver disease in children Hepatitis, or liver inflammation, has popped up in young patients in at least seven countries, but the usual viral culprits have not been present
Tillie caught Covid back in December 2020 and is now living with long Covid. She now wants to support other families in a similar situation. @tilliesjourney
Read more on long Covid...https://bbc.in/3tMuc5D
#covid #longcovid #longcovidkids
"Children were an important source of spread. The findings suggest that children are an important driver of the COVID-19 pandemic; this should inform public health policy."
Data was collected between September 2020 and March 2021
Thread 1/ Child Covid: big multi-hospital study shows nearly 1 in 100 kids admitted had a stroke, 1 in 90 has a heart attack and 1 in 12 has a seizure: disturbing neurological manifestations found in children—nearly 1 in 2 went to ICU—1 in 100 died & this is PRE-OMICRON.
“Over the past seven days, 16,296 schoolchildren across WA tested positive for COVID, including 8793 from private schools and 7503 at government schools. Another 1535 teachers caught the virus in the past week, with outbreaks detected in 918 schools — 660 public and 258 private.”
All three sources of pediatric COVID death information agree on this:
The rate at which children die per day from COVID has tripled since the US moved away from hybrid/online schooling and towards mandatory in-person schooling
This hurt the less affluent and minorities the most
Thread Todays IDK who needs to hear this:
Children under age 5 (ie those both ineligible for vaccinations, and most unable to wear a well fitted mask) have a higher death rate than older kids from the virus. They account for 15% of pediatric Covid cases but 35% of pediatric deaths.
Thread 1,346 children have died from COVID. 434 of these kids were too young to get vaccinated. 10,000s critically ill but survived. 6,000 suffered life threatening multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Several suffer from Long Covid. #GetVaccinated #MaskUp https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics
Thread When over half of kids & half of young adults have gotten #COVID19–#LongCovid impact for years to come will be crazy high. That’s both physical illness, mental illness, cognitive deficits, and ballooning healthcare costs. Mark my works—we will regret “let it rip”. #CovidIsNotOver