Covid and Mental Health
Working on a crisis line, I’m noticing more and more callers- across the board- who are struggling with emotional regulation for the first time in their lives. They’re confused and scared. Not one of them has ever reflected on their Covid infections and the implications.
“Working on a crisis line, I’m noticing more and more callers- across the board- who are struggling with emotional regulation for the first time in their lives. They’re confused and scared. Not one of them has ever reflected on their Covid infections and the implications.”anec
Long-term consequences of COVID-19 on cognitive functioning up to 6 months after discharge: role of depression and impact on quality of life
Related: "Long-term consequences of COVID-19 on cognitive functioning up to 6 months after discharge: role of depression and impact on quality of life"
Post-COVID psychosis occurs in people with no prior history. The risk is low but episodes are frightening
"Far from the respiratory disease it seemed at first, COVID can impact almost all parts of the body, including the brain. For a small number... COVID infection may be accompanied by an episode of post-COVID psychosis..."