Covid and the Eyes
Comprehensive analysis of study thread on Twitter: New Study: Covid found to infect the eyes and replicate with in them: virus found in eyes months after infection:
'our data give us reason to believe that so-called long-Covid symptoms may include degenerative retinal disease.'
Study leader says.
The list of damage caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection is growing and now includes retina. This is what a prospective study by the HUG and the @UNIGEnews
Acute viral retinitis in patients with COVID-19 "severe blindness could be associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection... physicians should consider the possibility of coronavirus infection in patients with an abnormal fundus or suddenly vision loss."
Vision-Threatening Retinal Condition Linked to COVID-19 — Rates of rare retinal vein occlusion jumped after infection,