Covid and the Eyes
Small fiber neuropathy in the cornea of Covid-19 patients associated with the generation of ocular surface disease - PubMed
"Sars-CoV-2 infection may be inducing small fiber neuropathy in the ocular surface, sharing symptomatology and morphological landmarks with DED and diabetic neuropathy."
COVID-19 Found in The Cornea: Are Transplants a Transmission Risk?
"COVID-19 Found in The Cornea: Are Transplants a Transmission Risk?
A multi-institutional study finds that COVID-19 can be found in post-mortem corneal tissue, highlighting the importance of the donor screening process."
COVID-2019 Associated with Acquired Monocular Blindness - PubMed
Acute viral retinitis in patients with COVID-19 "severe blindness could be associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection... physicians should consider the possibility of coronavirus infection in patients with an abnormal fundus or suddenly vision loss."