Covid and Vascular System, Endothelium, Blood Clots
Analysis thread on Twitter Acute to post-acute COVID-19 thromboinflammation persistence: Mechanisms and potential consequences
Even mild Covid can increase your chance of blood clots after the initial infection. *all images available as editable, printable files, DM for info.
"I hope to god I'm wrong. I've never wanted to be more wrong in my life.... Worst case scenario... we are going to see a tsunami of cardiovascular disease over the next few decades." #LongCOVID
COVID-19 Demonstrates That Inflammation Is a Hyperviscous State "complications of COVID-19 are caused by blood hyperviscosity driven by marked hyperfibrinogenemia. This results in a distinctive hyperviscosity syndrome...A change in blood viscosity causes a threefold inverse change in blood flow..."
From 2020: "COVID-19 can be considered a vascular disease with regards to serious complications and causes of mortality...blood clots have emerged as the common factor unifying many of the symptoms initially attributed without an explanation to COVID-19."
Role of endothelial dysfunction in the severity of COVID‑19 infection (Review) (Oct 2022)
Analysis thread on Twitter: The persistent excess of arterial and venous blood clots after Covid at 1 year compared with controls @CircAHA by @jonathanasterne and colleagues