Covid General Articles, Discussions, Videos
“Thousands of patients and health care workers were infected during COVID-19 outbreaks in acute care facilities in Alberta in the last year, raising questions about why more isn’t being done to prevent in-hospital transmission… …’The reality is that people are dying from COVID in our hospitals, and we really are doing very little to prevent them getting ill and getting infected. And we wouldn't do the same for any other infectious disease,’”
“I politely asked her to wear it and told her I was immunocompromised. She rolled her eyes, held the mask in front of her face without actually putting it on. She leaned across me to hit the button, even though there was another set of buttons on the opposite side of the elevator. This felt like a deliberate attempt to violate my personal space and ensure I knew just how unhappy she was that I asked her to mask. As time went on and more people bought into the comfortable lie that COVID was over, it became harder to access safe medical care. Fewer and fewer staff were complying with mandates; eventually mandates were dropped altogether in favour of “mask-friendly” policies.”
“For the week of September 22, stats from the Canadian Nosocomial (Hospital-Acquired) Infection Surveillance Program, with data from 78 hospitals, including 16 in BC, show that 31% of patients in hospital with COVID acquired their infection while admitted for another medical condition.
This is a major failure by public health and Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC).”
“A partial masking mandate has returned to Nova Scotia hospitals and provincially run healthcare facilities for visitors and healthcare workers. "This is for anybody who is in clinical areas in the hospitals, inpatient units and clinics where we are providing direct patient care,”