Covid General Articles, Discussions, Videos
“With each wave, SC2 leaves in its wake long-term complications, damage to the cardiovascular, neurological, and immune systems, and chronic conditions
Those who might have been considered ‘healthy’ before infection can rapidly transition into the category of the vulnerable”
“If you think Covid is only an issue for people who are older or who have preexisting conditions (who we should care about anyway but I digress!!!) please take a minute to look at these comments from formerly healthy college kids” Thread:
“People I know are yet again talking about sudden health problems:
Hearing loss. Loss of smell. Movement issues. New onset asthma. Heart conditions. Clots in the legs. Zero connection being made to COVID.
The only thing public health succeeded at is covering their own ass.”
“So one can only conclude that the CDC purposefully redesigned their COVID graphic to downplay the severity and reduce attention paid to the —by far— number one cause of death by infectious disease.
Why? What purpose does this suppression serve?”
The CDC dropped the darkest colors and went from 10 levels of wastewater viral activity to 5.
Making the map look MUCH MORE APPEALING.
This change was made with zero announcement, AGAIN, between September 4th and today.
“We haven’t seen a widely distributed virus in recent human history that has had this property.”
“I don’t think the majority of scientists who were looking at this early in 2020 or at the end of 2019 expected that, four years later, we’d be dealing with unrelenting waves of variants, which are immune evasive…
…We haven’t seen a widely distributed virus in recent human history that has had this property.”
“Covid-19 was presented as a one and done infection, that ‘only’ killed the vulnerable, that didn’t harm kids, that was spread by droplets not air. That vaccines would prevent. Now NONE of the above are true, we are floundering in denial with no plan. Covid is not over.”
“I genuinely thought there might be a momentary lull between the summer and autumn waves this year here. But no. There's tons of infections around, and XEC (which seems to be able to reinfect due to the T22N mutation on the spike, growth below) is not hanging around.”