Covid General Articles, Discussions, Videos
Me: "How was the operation?"
Her: "Oh, it was cancelled again."
Me: "Three times? That is ridiculous."
Her: "No, it's four now. Twice they've cancelled it because they were sick, and twice they've cancelled it because I was sick."
Me: "When you say sick, what do you mean?"
“People I know are yet again talking about sudden health problems:
Hearing loss. Loss of smell. Movement issues. New onset asthma. Heart conditions. Clots in the legs. Zero connection being made to COVID.
The only thing public health succeeded at is covering their own ass.”
“Asking @CDCgov, from my bedroom, where I'm moored because of #LongCovid, why the CDC isn't recommending masking -- alongside handwashing, vaxes and testing (which they are recommending). Alt text of response from Dr. Brendan Jackson below. 1/7”
Excellent thread: