Covid General Articles, Discussions, Videos

Covid General Articles, Discussions, Videos

#treatment "#early treatment" #obeldesevir
Obeldesivir for COVID-19 Is Safe, Reduces Time to Symptom Relief in High-Risk Patients
Obeldesivir for COVID-19 Is Safe, Reduces Time to Symptom Relief in High-Risk Patients

My note: Would like to see study on this drug with endpoints like time to recovery, severity of symptoms, long-term follow-up for post-acute symptoms. Not holding my breath. This is, after all, Giliad, the maker of remdesivir. Still, potential early treatment option here:

465 adults received either obeldesivir or a placebo for 5 days. The results showed that those on obeldesivir had a 0% hospitalization rate and lower mortality compared to 0.5% in the placebo group.

Patients taking obeldesivir also experienced quicker symptom relief and greater reductions in the virus levels. Overall, the drug was found to be generally safe and well-tolerated.

Obeldesivir for COVID-19 Is Safe, Reduces Time to Symptom Relief in High-Risk Patients