More than half of people who took a survey have said they've been harassed or threatened in public for wearing a medical mask. They're harassed at work, at home, and even in hospitals.
What It's Like to Wear a Mask: A Survey on Discrimination
“Why did the nurse complain about how hard it was to breathe in a mask before she even put it on? Maybe she wanted validation. Maybe she wanted a reaction. Maybe she wanted me to intervene and tell her it was okay if she didn't wear a mask. I gave her nothing. Sometimes, that's what someone needs.
…It's easy to dismiss the deep yearning for ‘normal’ that compels hundreds of millions of people to disregard their own health and safety, to burn the future for the moments of joy they were promised. We all remember what it used to be like. We're just the ones coping better with its loss. For us, ‘normal’ was always more of an excursion anyway. The real normal was always a return to solitude, and maybe that's why we're handling the new reality better.”