“Intranasal protein vaccine with MF59-like adjuvant protects against SARS-CoV-2, including XBB variants.
In mice, it boosts mucosal immunity with durable neutralizing antibodies.”
“Is this the way COVID ends? Next-generation inhaled vaccines could be the key to ending pandemic Existing COVID-19 vaccines can prevent severe disease, but not infection. A new hope comes in the form of needle-free mucosal vaccines…
…Some see mucosal vaccines as the best hope to end the COVID-19 pandemic. They are now in development in labs around the world, including in Canada. The United States and other countries are investing heavily in the development of mucosal vaccines for COVID-19 and beyond.”
“I think anybody who tells you COVID-19 isn’t a surprise is not being truthful,” said Matthew Miller, who is co-director of the Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub, Canada Research Chair in Viral Pandemics and an associate professor in biochemistry at McMaster University in Hamilton. He is part of the research team that is developing an inhaled COVID-19 vaccine.
“I have studied pandemic viruses for a long time. I completely expected we would be in a place by now where COVID-19 was exhibiting seasonal trends (similar to influenza and other seasonal viruses that generally occur in the fall and winter). Clearly I was wrong.”
We will never get this vaccine.
"The [live-attenuated intranasal] vaccine offers potent protection against transmission, prevents reinfection and the spread of the virus, while also reducing the generation of new variants."