“As caught by @michael_hoerger,
CDC just modified their dashboard to make Covid transmission look lower on November 18, 2024.
‘The underlying data are identical. However, the Y axis is rescaled to make everything seem lower.’”
“(🧵It's the Сονіd, ѕtυріd!): Viewing the US election through the lens of the ongoing ЅАRЅ-Соν-2 раndеmіc.
(My hot take on what happened, and where things are headed. Prelude to the final 🧵in the "How does it end" series)…
…No country can expect sustained 3% growth, if 3% of its workforce drops out every year.
There is no path forward - for the US or any other country - without addressing this. Repeated covid infections are not a sustainable situation.”
November 12, 2024
“Between October 27 and November 2, wastewater sampling from New Mexico revealed ‘very high’ levels of the virus, with ‘high’ levels being detected in Oregon, Arkansas, and Maine, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”
“Imagine the impact over the next decade. This isn’t just about individuals; it’s a 10% chance of our doctors, pilots, presidents, soldiers, and police officers all grappling with the debilitating effects of Long COVID. When essential roles in society are consistently compromised, the risks are stacked like blocks in an increasingly unstable tower—one that can only lean so far before it topples. The more we ignore the impact of Long COVID, the closer we edge toward this collapse.
The toll of Long COVID is not a hypothetical future but an unfolding reality. As it affects more people, it strains every facet of society—healthcare, insurance rates, disability programs, and economic productivity. “
November 5, 2024: “A reminder that ~800,000 Americans have been killed by COVID since the Biden-Harris administration began. Tens of millions have Long C0VlD. And C0VlD spread more in September 2024 than any point in 2020. They refuse to do anything to stop the spread, even as thousands die weekly.”
“Hold up you’re telling me that by the 3rd time I get COVID, there’s a 1 in 2.5 chance I develop life-changing chronic illness ⁉️⁉️
Uhhh CDC wtf?? Y’all were on TV every night in 2021, where you at with this?! Did you fuck up?? (1/2)” Thread:
“I am concerned that the sense of urgency about COVID-19 appears to have faded. The disease has not been discussed during the election season, even though it is an ongoing and developing public health threat. I believe this is a dangerous mindset. The reality is that COVID-19 remains a unique and deadly threat for many people — it is not just another respiratory virus, and should not be treated as such by our leaders.”
Me: "How was the operation?"
Her: "Oh, it was cancelled again."
Me: "Three times? That is ridiculous."
Her: "No, it's four now. Twice they've cancelled it because they were sick, and twice they've cancelled it because I was sick."
Me: "When you say sick, what do you mean?"