59% of all transmission came pre/asymptomatic transmission,
35% presymptomatic individuals 24% asymptomatic.
59% of all transmission came pre/asymptomatic transmission,
35% presymptomatic individuals 24% asymptomatic.
“After a year of the pandemic in Arkhangelsk, 59.7% 95% confidence intervals (CI) (56.7; 62.6) of the surveyed population had had COVID-19. Among those who had been infected, symptomatic cases comprised 47.1% 95% CI (43.2; 51.0), with 8.6% 95% CI (6.6; 11.1) of them having been hospitalized. Of the asymptomatic cases, 96.2% were not captured by the healthcare system. Older age was positively associated, while smoking showed a negative association with symptomatic COVID-19. Individuals older than 65 years, and those with poor self-rated health were more likely to be hospitalized. Conclusion More than half of the infected individuals were not captured by the healthcare-based registry, mainly those with asymptomatic infections.”