“‘It is literally, actively killing me that people don’t mask. No one cares.’
Tinu died less than two months later. She spent her final days sounding the alarm, pleading for healthcare staff to take her safety seriously.
I fight for you, Tinu. I miss you.”
“A Plea to Maskless Healthcare Workers from Vulnerable Patients If you see a mask - wear a mask. Better yet - wear a mask all the time and show us you understand that we're still IN a pandemic. We are depending on you to keep us safe - please don't betray that.”
“‘Everyone dies someday! Get out and live!’
I’ve lost count of how many people have said this to me. People who assume I’m ‘choosing’ to stay home in bed or who think fear of Covid is the only determining factor to my not socializing more.
This is NOT a choice 🧵/1”
Me: "How was the operation?"
Her: "Oh, it was cancelled again."
Me: "Three times? That is ridiculous."
Her: "No, it's four now. Twice they've cancelled it because they were sick, and twice they've cancelled it because I was sick."
Me: "When you say sick, what do you mean?"
“Just so people reading this know:
When you have covid, you exhale covid particles into the air. Even with just ordinary breathing.
Those particles can then float on the air for hours.”
“I’m only a GP. And I’m shocked at how some of my specialist colleagues think they are not harming patients by not masking.
I’m not smart. But come on! Covid is airborne and Covid HARMS every bit of your body. How can a highly intelligent Dr NOT KNOW THIS???”
“If you think Covid is only an issue for people who are older or who have preexisting conditions (who we should care about anyway but I digress!!!) please take a minute to look at these comments from formerly healthy college kids” Thread:
“People I know are yet again talking about sudden health problems:
Hearing loss. Loss of smell. Movement issues. New onset asthma. Heart conditions. Clots in the legs. Zero connection being made to COVID.
The only thing public health succeeded at is covering their own ass.”
“Asking @CDCgov, from my bedroom, where I'm moored because of #LongCovid, why the CDC isn't recommending masking -- alongside handwashing, vaxes and testing (which they are recommending). Alt text of response from Dr. Brendan Jackson below. 1/7”
Excellent thread: