Flere unge døde av sykdom: Forskere slår alarm
“Disease claimed an unusually large number of young lives last year. Researchers fear that late effects of covid-19 are the cause…
…The Institute of Public Health's report on what Norwegians died of last year is grim reading. For the first time in several years, a higher mortality rate has been recorded among young people aged 1–39…
…Researcher and statistician Richard White at FHI fears that covid-19 is one of the main explanations for the increased mortality. He believes that repeated infections have led to poorer health for many young Norwegians.
- I am concerned that the consequences of covid-19 are not being adequately assessed by the Norwegian authorities. The government's strategy does not mention the late effects of covid-19. I am concerned that those who recommended the ‘free infection’ policy in 2022 are too afraid to change course, says White.”
Disease claimed an unusually large number of young lives last year. Researchers fear that late effects of covid-19 are the cause.
People with Long COVID Have a Higher Risk of Early Death and Serious Disease, Study Finds
"In a new study published in JAMA Health Forum, people with Long COVID had an increased risk of dying during the study period and developing serious health problems compared to people who never had COVID-19."
Repeat COVID Infection Doubles the Risk of Death
New study: "Getting COVID-19 a second time doubles a person’s chance of dying and triples the likelihood of being hospitalized...Vaccination and booster status did not improve survival or hospitalization rates among people who were infected more than once"
Long-term mortality following SARS-CoV-2 infection: A national cohort study from Estonia
"People infected with SARS-COV-2 had more than three times the risk of dying over the following year compared with those who remained uninfected... Short-term mortality (up to 5 weeks post-infection) was significantly higher..."