Indoor air systems crucial to curbing spread of viruses, aerosol researchers say | 60 Minutes
Evidence from whole genome sequencing of aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 almost 5 hours after hospital room turnover
“Airborne SARS-CoV-2 may transmit infection after more than 4 hours.”
Ultraviolet radiation vs air filtration to mitigate virus laden aerosol in an occupied clinical room
“Ultraviolet radiation vs air filtration to mitigate virus laden aerosol in an occupied clinical room”
Ultraviolet radiation vs air filtration to mitigate virus laden aerosol in an occupied clinical room
COVID-19 hitches a ride on mucus to spread deep into lungs, live imaging shows
COVID-19 hitches a ride on mucus to spread deep into lungs, live imaging shows.
Investigators observed that the movement of mucus can spread the COVID-19 virus inside the respiratory tract, where it later forms aerosols that infect other people.
Comparing strategies for the mitigation of SARS-CoV-2 airborne infection risk in tiered auditorium venues
study on COVID-19 in auditoriums found displacement ventilation minimized infection risk, while natural ventilation had highest spread.
Masks, shorter events, and lower occupancy helped reduce risks.