Higher doses of SarsCov2 at exposure correlate with higher viral loads and severe symptoms in animals.
The more virus you are exposed to the more severe your disease. (HINT: masks work to lower viral loads)
“I politely asked her to wear it and told her I was immunocompromised. She rolled her eyes, held the mask in front of her face without actually putting it on. She leaned across me to hit the button, even though there was another set of buttons on the opposite side of the elevator. This felt like a deliberate attempt to violate my personal space and ensure I knew just how unhappy she was that I asked her to mask. As time went on and more people bought into the comfortable lie that COVID was over, it became harder to access safe medical care. Fewer and fewer staff were complying with mandates; eventually mandates were dropped altogether in favour of “mask-friendly” policies.”
COVID-19 hitches a ride on mucus to spread deep into lungs, live imaging shows.
Investigators observed that the movement of mucus can spread the COVID-19 virus inside the respiratory tract, where it later forms aerosols that infect other people.
“PMC COVID-19 Forecasting Model, Nov 11, 2024
We're starting to get out 1st glimpse of the shape of the winter wave.
🔸Expected transmission a month from now: 1.3 million daily infections 🔸Best-case: 0.7 million daily infections 🔸Worst-case: 1.8 million daily infections
There's nothing in the data yet to suggest the winter will be markedly different from last year, which is very bad news. Within 3 weeks, we'll have a much better sense of what path we're on and what the peak of the wave may look like, likely around NYE.”
study on COVID-19 in auditoriums found displacement ventilation minimized infection risk, while natural ventilation had highest spread.
Masks, shorter events, and lower occupancy helped reduce risks.
“Several Bay Area counties have reinstated mask mandates at health care facilities to coincide with the beginning of respiratory virus season.
Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, along with the City of Berkeley, have all issued health orders requiring the use of face masks in health care settings starting on November 1 and continuing through March 31, 2025.”
Shionogi just announced that their antiviral pill, ensitrelvir, significantly prevents COVID transmission!
Participants took the antiviral after known exposure.
October, 2024: “The UK's health body has warned that COVID-19 spreads ‘very easily through close contact with people who have the virus’ and you can still be infectious for ‘up to 10 days’”
“this study investigated the airborne transmission of respiratory diseases in the hospital elevator by comparison to the conference room.”
“The results showed that the infection probability in the elevator with 5 min was higher than that in the conference room with 50 min.”
“Just so people reading this know:
When you have covid, you exhale covid particles into the air. Even with just ordinary breathing.
Those particles can then float on the air for hours.”
“How is COVID-19 spread? When people cough, sneeze or talk, viral particles can be sent through the air and via droplets. Masking helps to prevent droplet spread, and keeping more than two metres apart and staying in a well-ventilated area can help to limit aerosol spread.
While not a predominant cause of transmission, COVID-19 can also be spread through objects contaminated with secretions from an infected person. The incubation period for COVID-19 — the time from exposure to developing an infection — is about two to four days with the current variant.”
“A former senior advisor on SARS has accused the World Health Organisation (WHO) of covering up its own evidence proving the airborne transmission of COVID-19, since the earliest days of the global pandemic. “