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The red line in the model represents current infection rates, which starkly contrasts with the lower rates observed during the early pandemic phase, illustrated by the purple line.
The red line in the model represents current infection rates, which starkly contrasts with the lower rates observed during the early pandemic phase, illustrated by the purple line.

U.S. COVID-19 Infection Risk 10.7 Times Higher Than in 2020

📢 Recent PMC Model analyses reveal that Americans are now 10.7 times more likely to contract COVID-19 compared to August 22, 2020, highlighting a significant increase in infection rates.

The red line in the model represents current infection rates, which starkly contrasts with the lower rates observed during the early pandemic phase, illustrated by the purple line.
Opinion: I loved my teaching career. COVID normalization stole it fro…
Opinion: I loved my teaching career. COVID normalization stole it fro…

“The COVID-19 pandemic took that from me. Actually, that’s not quite right. It was the perceived “end” of the pandemic that really ruined my teaching career. I am immunocompromised and rely on medication to manage an autoimmune disease. This means vaccine protection from the virus is probably less effective for me than for most people. Also, my particular illness – Crohn’s, an inflammatory bowel disease – has been shown to put me at significantly greater risk than most for long COVID: a potentially chronic condition that can be very debilitating. And despite how it may seem, COVID circulates widely much of the year: We are still in a pandemic.”

The COVID-19 pandemic took that from me. Actually, that’s not quite right. It was the perceived “end” of the pandemic that really ruined my teaching career. I am immunocompromised and rely on medication to manage an autoimmune disease. This means vaccine protection from the virus is probably less effective for me than for most people. Also, my particular illness – Crohn’s, an inflammatory bowel disease – has been shown to put me at significantly greater risk than most for long COVID: a potentially chronic condition that can be very debilitating. And despite how it may seem, COVID circulates widely much of the year: We are still in a pandemic.
Opinion: I loved my teaching career. COVID normalization stole it fro…
Covid disabled me, took away my entire life. Reinfection made me a lot sicker, twice. Experts warn about reinfection and covid isn't gone.
Covid disabled me, took away my entire life. Reinfection made me a lot sicker, twice. Experts warn about reinfection and covid isn't gone.

“Covid disabled me, took away my entire life. Reinfection made me a lot sicker, twice. Experts warn about reinfection and covid isn't gone.

Yet nobody who comes to visit me masks or tests or even asks me what precaution they should take.”

Covid disabled me, took away my entire life. Reinfection made me a lot sicker, twice. Experts warn about reinfection and covid isn't gone.
So you’ve got Covid again? Here’s what to do about it
So you’ve got Covid again? Here’s what to do about it

Understatement: “…getting multiple Covid infections increases the chance of short- and long-term effects on the body, including the heart and lungs. So, even if we can’t totally eliminate our risk of catching it, it’s still worth trying to dodge Covid as best we can.”

getting multiple Covid infections increases the chance of short- and long-term effects on the body, including the heart and lungs. So, even if we can’t totally eliminate our risk of catching it, it’s still worth trying to dodge Covid as best we can.
So you’ve got Covid again? Here’s what to do about it
Respiratory Virus Dashboard
Respiratory Virus Dashboard

August 22, 2024

“BREAKING: California's COVID-19 rates have surged to 14.7 percent, and wastewater viral loads have reached unprecedented and alarming record levels.”

Respiratory Virus Dashboard
The DNC just gaslit the entire country. There won’t be another segment on tv more detached from reality than this exchange on the Pandemic.
The DNC just gaslit the entire country. There won’t be another segment on tv more detached from reality than this exchange on the Pandemic.

The DNC just gaslit the entire country. There won’t be another segment on tv more detached from reality than this exchange on the Pandemic.

“4 years ago, this would’ve been a superspreader event. It feels really good to breathe air and see everyone’s smiling faces.”

The DNC just gaslit the entire country. There won’t be another segment on tv more detached from reality than this exchange on the Pandemic.
Mask Bans Are Everyone’s Fight (08/22/24) by Death Panel
Mask Bans Are Everyone’s Fight (08/22/24) by Death Panel
“In our latest, we discuss the mask ban passed in Nassau County last week and why mask bans threaten much more than just public health: they’re racist carceral expansions, they’re anti-trans, and target the pro-Palestine movement and the whole of the left”
Mask Bans Are Everyone’s Fight (08/22/24) by Death Panel
These Are the Drag Artists and Organizers Fighting to Make Queer Spaces More COVID Safe
These Are the Drag Artists and Organizers Fighting to Make Queer Spaces More COVID Safe
“Air purifier lending libraries, mask blocs, and mutual aid initiatives are just a few of the ways activists are making spaces where LGBTQ+ people gather more COVID-safe.”
Air purifier lending libraries, mask blocs, and mutual aid initiatives are just a few of the ways activists are making spaces where LGBTQ+ people gather more COVID-safe.
These Are the Drag Artists and Organizers Fighting to Make Queer Spaces More COVID Safe
2024 08 19 tbp literature evidence review final v40
2024 08 19 tbp literature evidence review final v40

Scotland ARHAI... "the clear inadequacy of the droplet/airborne dichotomy"

I think they just admitted all they wrote about pandemic transmission was wrong

2024 08 19 tbp literature evidence review final v40
There’s a gaping hole in Canada’s COVID tracking
There’s a gaping hole in Canada’s COVID tracking
“Federal online trackers only show the hospitalizations and deaths from acute COVID infections. They exclude hospitalizations and deaths resulting from COVID’s longer-term harms at our own peril.”
There’s a gaping hole in Canada’s COVID tracking
1 in 3 say COVID-19 poses risk to their health: Survey
1 in 3 say COVID-19 poses risk to their health: Survey

New poll: 13% mask “all the time”

A new poll found 32% of Americans believe COVID is a “large or moderate” risk to their health but only 13% said they mask all the time, while 21% had taken an at-home test in the past week.

1 in 3 say COVID-19 poses risk to their health: Survey

A study in Argentina found that 68% of the 2,030 health workers reported having #longcovid.

The highest risks were linked to severe initial symptoms, being a nurse, working multiple jobs, and working in emergency areas

1 - Class Complaint.pdf
1 - Class Complaint.pdf
Disability Rights New York has filed a class action lawsuit against Nassau County seeking a preliminary injunction and a temporary restraining order to stop enforcement of the mask ban in Nassau County.
1 - Class Complaint.pdf
The planet the Democrats live on sounds nice
The planet the Democrats live on sounds nice
“With a million new COVID cases per day in the US, Democrats celebrate their ‘victory’ over COVID at their massive indoor superspreader event with zero mitigations”
With a million new COVID cases per day in the US, Democrats celebrate their "victory" over COVID at their massive indoor superspreader event with zero mitigations
The planet the Democrats live on sounds nice
New vector vaccine against COVID-19 provides long-term protection
New vector vaccine against COVID-19 provides long-term protection

So naturally we will never get it.

unlike limited and quickly waning efficacy of MRNA, “innovative vector vaccine developed at the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI) presents a compelling alternative. It elicits prolonged immune response in animal models, and maintains its efficacy over extended time.”

New vector vaccine against COVID-19 provides long-term protection
Disabled people's exclusion from indoor spaces is a civil rights violation, not an annoyance
Disabled people's exclusion from indoor spaces is a civil rights violation, not an annoyance

“The severity and frequency of Long COVID is purposely obscured from public discussion as part of a continued political effort to normalize constant COVID exposure.

People who take precautions to avoid COVID are making the wise decision to protect themselves and their families; they are also safeguarding their ability to work and earn money in a society that disposes of people who cannot produce. It is a rational decision; in the case of Long COVID patients, it is a necessary one.

It is also, admittedly, a very difficult lifestyle to adopt and maintain.”

The severity and frequency of Long COVID is purposely obscured from public discussion as part of a continued political effort to normalize constant COVID exposure. People who take precautions to avoid COVID are making the wise decision to protect themselves and their families; they are also safeguarding their ability to work and earn money in a society that disposes of people who cannot produce. It is a rational decision; in the case of Long COVID patients, it is a necessary one. It is also, admittedly, a very difficult lifestyle to adopt and maintain.
Disabled people's exclusion from indoor spaces is a civil rights violation, not an annoyance
To My Unmasked Friend in the Fifth Year of COVID
To My Unmasked Friend in the Fifth Year of COVID
“…you made a choice that actively excludes people like me from participating not only in an event like a convention, but society at large. And yes, it is a choice. Every time you step out into the world without a mask on your face, you have made a decision that your very good reason, whatever it is, supersedes the right of disabled and at-risk people to exist safely in your orbit.”
To My Unmasked Friend in the Fifth Year of COVID
PBS News Hour live episode, Aug. 20, 2024
PBS News Hour live episode, Aug. 20, 2024
At 47:39 interview on the huge summer Covid surge w/ Eric Topol, who notes 1M US cases a day. He says Covid is same family of viruses as colds WRONG. That family is rhinoviruses. He reports high transmissible variant; waning immunity, & "abandoned mitigation” to blame. Masks encouraged. Nasal vax discussed. Decent questions from reporter. overall FAIL from huge public health figure.
PBS News Hour live episode, Aug. 20, 2024
Deaths Are Up Post-Covid, and So Are Funeral Stocks: Prognosis
Deaths Are Up Post-Covid, and So Are Funeral Stocks: Prognosis
“The greatest numbers of excess deaths in the acute phase of the pandemic were in older adults…The pattern now is one of persisting excess deaths, which are most prominent in relative terms in middle-aged and younger adults.”
Deaths Are Up Post-Covid, and So Are Funeral Stocks: Prognosis
Mask bans disenfranchise millions of Americans with disabilities
Mask bans disenfranchise millions of Americans with disabilities
“…enforcing the ban is subjective and will disproportionally impact Black people and people of color, who are more likely to be stopped by police and are also more likely to wear masks to prevent Covid. This is in part because Black and Latinx Americans are more cautious in their approach to the pandemic, reflecting the higher hospitalization and death rates in these communities.”
Mask bans disenfranchise millions of Americans with disabilities