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letter-to-Mensa-members-12042024.pdf | Powered by Box
letter-to-Mensa-members-12042024.pdf | Powered by Box

“SARS-CoV-2 is not merely a respiratory virus—it is a vascular disease with profound consequences for the brain [1-3], immune system [4-8], and the entire vasculature, encompassing everything the blood touches [9]. Research shows that even mild cases can lead to persistent cognitive decline and IQ loss [1, 10], similar to the long-term effects seen in survivors of SARS-CoV-1 [11, 12] and from other viral infections [13]. Alarmingly, this betacoronavirus alters brain structure and function and has been found in brain tissue, bone marrow, and other areas of the body post-mortem, pointing to a possible reservoir for long-term neurological effects [15, 16].”

SARS-CoV-2 is not merely a respiratory virus—it is a vascular disease with profound consequences for thebrain [1-3], immune system [4-8], and the entire vasculature, encompassing everything the blood touches[9]. Research shows that even mild cases can lead to persistent cognitive decline and IQ loss [1, 10], similarto the long-term effects seen in survivors of SARS-CoV-1 [11, 12] and from other viral infections [13].Alarmingly, this betacoronavirus alters brain structure and function and has been found in brain tissue,bone marrow, and other areas of the body post-mortem, pointing to a possible reservoir for long-termneurological effects [15, 16].
letter-to-Mensa-members-12042024.pdf | Powered by Box