Aptitude Receives FDA Authorization for Metrix® COVID/Flu Multiplex Molecular Test for Point-of-Care and Over-the-Counter Use
Combo Covid and FLU A/B test approved for over the counter by the FDA
“To my great surprise, it was negative, and I went back to sleep. When I tested again two days later, it turned positive in seconds. I started to wonder: Are home Covid tests bad at detecting the latest variants?
The short answer is no, the doctors I spoke with told me. But that answer comes with a big caveat. It turns out the way the immune system interacts with the virus these days means home tests may not turn positive until several days after you get sick.”
“Imagine being able to walk into a crowded store, restaurant or even movie theater and be able to detect if there’s COVID-19 in the air.
It could be a reality in just a few years as a team at Virginia Tech is developing what is essentially a portable rapid test for the air.”