“If people really understood the science behind all this, they would have a very different attitude”
Five years of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Dr. Arijit Chakravarty
“Hold up you’re telling me that by the 3rd time I get COVID, there’s a 1 in 2.5 chance I develop life-changing chronic illness ⁉️⁉️
Uhhh CDC wtf?? Y’all were on TV every night in 2021, where you at with this?! Did you fuck up?? (1/2)” Thread:
“#CovidIsNotOver This is my 15th semester teaching RN and NP students about Covid 19 pathophysiology. Not a lot has changed except for how much damage we now know the virus causes. It still baffles me that people don’t know it’s airborne, don’t know the risks. 1”
Educational Thread:
“‘Everyone dies someday! Get out and live!’
I’ve lost count of how many people have said this to me. People who assume I’m ‘choosing’ to stay home in bed or who think fear of Covid is the only determining factor to my not socializing more.
This is NOT a choice 🧵/1”
“1.Introduction: The Long-Term Impact of Multiple COVID Infections 2.Shifting Focus: From Acute Symptoms to Long-Term Health 3.The Jenga Analogy: How COVID Wears Down the Body 4.Understanding the Target: How COVID Affects the Circulatory System 5.Damage to the Endothelium: Long-Term Cardiovascular Risks 6.Even Mild COVID Cases Can Have Lasting Effects 7.The Impact on the Brain: From Brain Fog to Potential Neurodegenerative Diseases 8.Cognitive Issues and Repeated Infections: A Growing Concern 9.Does COVID Stick Around? The Lingering Presence of the Virus 10.Persistent Inflammation: The Ongoing Battle After COVID 11.COVID’s Impact on the Heart: Myocarditis and More 12.Understanding Myocarditis: Inflammation of the Heart 13.Rolling the Dice: The Cumulative Risk of Repeated COVID Infections 14.Silent Heart Attacks: The Hidden Risk 15.Protecting Our Health: Minimizing the Number of Infections 16.COVID’s Impact on Other Organs: The Liver, Lungs, and Beyond 17.COVID and the Liver: The Silent Accumulation of Damage 18.Conclusion: The Long Game of Health Protection”
“If you think Covid is only an issue for people who are older or who have preexisting conditions (who we should care about anyway but I digress!!!) please take a minute to look at these comments from formerly healthy college kids” Thread:
“Beyond persistent symptoms, Long COVID is also associated with an increased risk for significant medical events, including major adverse cardiovascular events and new-onset diabetes mellitus.(1) For many people, Long COVID has a significant impact on their ability to work, study, take care of their families, and participate in other activities of daily living. For these reasons, Long COVID is often described as a “mass disabling event.”(2) Long COVID can also lead to financial hardship, social isolation, and mental health challenges.”
“A new study from researchers at the Mayo Clinic suggests that being vaccinated against COVID-19 does little to prevent long COVID.
The findings contradict what has become conventional wisdom in the last 3 years—that vaccines offer a chance to significantly reduce the risk of long COVID, or new or persistent symptoms 3 months or more after infection, most likely by reducing the severity of infection.
Melanie Swift, MD, MPH, was the lead author of the study, which was published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases. She said despite the current thinking that vaccines reduce the risk of developing long COVID, she wasn’t surprised she found no association.”