“1.Introduction: The Long-Term Impact of Multiple COVID Infections 2.Shifting Focus: From Acute Symptoms to Long-Term Health 3.The Jenga Analogy: How COVID Wears Down the Body 4.Understanding the Target: How COVID Affects the Circulatory System 5.Damage to the Endothelium: Long-Term Cardiovascular Risks 6.Even Mild COVID Cases Can Have Lasting Effects 7.The Impact on the Brain: From Brain Fog to Potential Neurodegenerative Diseases 8.Cognitive Issues and Repeated Infections: A Growing Concern 9.Does COVID Stick Around? The Lingering Presence of the Virus 10.Persistent Inflammation: The Ongoing Battle After COVID 11.COVID’s Impact on the Heart: Myocarditis and More 12.Understanding Myocarditis: Inflammation of the Heart 13.Rolling the Dice: The Cumulative Risk of Repeated COVID Infections 14.Silent Heart Attacks: The Hidden Risk 15.Protecting Our Health: Minimizing the Number of Infections 16.COVID’s Impact on Other Organs: The Liver, Lungs, and Beyond 17.COVID and the Liver: The Silent Accumulation of Damage 18.Conclusion: The Long Game of Health Protection”
JENGA TOWER - Episode 3
Rising Risks with COVID Reinfection
The study shows increased likelihood of hospitalization, cardiovascular effects, blood disorders, diabetes, fatigue, kidney damage, mental health effects, musculoskeletal damage, neurological deficits, and pulmonary damage with each COVID-19 infection
Repeat COVID is riskier than first infection, study finds
"The risk of death, hospitalization and serious health issues from COVID-19 jumps significantly with reinfection compared with a first bout with the virus, regardless of vaccination status, a study published on Thursday suggests."