“If people really understood the science behind all this, they would have a very different attitude”
Five years of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Dr. Arijit Chakravarty
“If people really understood the science behind all this, they would have a very different attitude”
Five years of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Dr. Arijit Chakravarty
“If you think Covid is only an issue for people who are older or who have preexisting conditions (who we should care about anyway but I digress!!!) please take a minute to look at these comments from formerly healthy college kids” Thread:
translation/analysis thread on German Long Covid video which equates it with MECFS and calls ME “the most serious form of long covid.”
“currently it looks like an autoimmune disease where something has gone wrong with the vasculature, and both the mitochondrial dynamics and glycolytic metabolism are disturbed.
There are at least 500k patients in Germany.”
“Asking @CDCgov, from my bedroom, where I'm moored because of #LongCovid, why the CDC isn't recommending masking -- alongside handwashing, vaxes and testing (which they are recommending). Alt text of response from Dr. Brendan Jackson below. 1/7”
Excellent thread: