“If people really understood the science behind all this, they would have a very different attitude”
Five years of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Dr. Arijit Chakravarty
“If people really understood the science behind all this, they would have a very different attitude”
Five years of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Dr. Arijit Chakravarty
“It doesn't get much more macho or conservative than the Marines. Nice of them to demonstrate even cotton masks reduce disease transmission in November 2024.
They require masks in Phase 1, because they have new recruits gathered together.”
“We analyzed the deaths of United States Politicians during the #COVIDPandemic & found some interesting statistics.
From 2020-2024 (into November) at least 466 active (or recently active) politicians, judges, & the like passed away. “
“(🧵It's the Сονіd, ѕtυріd!): Viewing the US election through the lens of the ongoing ЅАRЅ-Соν-2 раndеmіc.
(My hot take on what happened, and where things are headed. Prelude to the final 🧵in the "How does it end" series)…
…No country can expect sustained 3% growth, if 3% of its workforce drops out every year.
There is no path forward - for the US or any other country - without addressing this. Repeated covid infections are not a sustainable situation.”
“Thread: Public Comment on HICPAC Concerns 🧵
1/ I’m here not to address HICPAC directly, but to speak to those listening—healthcare professionals, patients, and advocates—who are committed to public health and safety.
Let me highlight several critical concerns.”
“#CovidIsNotOver This is my 15th semester teaching RN and NP students about Covid 19 pathophysiology. Not a lot has changed except for how much damage we now know the virus causes. It still baffles me that people don’t know it’s airborne, don’t know the risks. 1”
Educational Thread:
“I am concerned that the sense of urgency about COVID-19 appears to have faded. The disease has not been discussed during the election season, even though it is an ongoing and developing public health threat. I believe this is a dangerous mindset. The reality is that COVID-19 remains a unique and deadly threat for many people — it is not just another respiratory virus, and should not be treated as such by our leaders.”
“In U.S., ‘The number of annual traffic fatalities in Washington state has jumped from 528 in 2019 to 810 in 2023, a 51% increase since 2019.. 2023 [was] the deadliest since 1990.. Speculation as to why traffic fatalities increased varied.’
IMO, the main reason is the cognitive dysfunction caused by SARS-CoV-2.
“If you were comfortable with catching it and spreading it, you were comfortable with killing people.
At no point in this ongoing pandemic did Covid stop killing people.”
“It's been ~5yrs since 𝑆𝐀𝑅𝑆-𝐂𝑂𝑉-𝟐, the virus that causes 𝐂𝑂𝑉𝐈𝐃, made its fateful jump into humans. Now seems as good a time as any to ask "is it over yet?" (For the 10th time, but who's counting?)
Let's talk about how this ends, shall we? (1/)
“data piles up that #LongCovid harms the workforce (esp in healthcare, education too), WHERE ARE THE UNIONS?
Dire shortages are worsened by govt’s refusal to provide clean air to ASHRAE 241 standards & laissez-faire approach to infections.
Unions need to GET LOUD, pronto. 🧵:
“If You Suffer from Urgent Normal Syndrome, Ask for Help A response to mental health gaslighting.”
“With each wave, SC2 leaves in its wake long-term complications, damage to the cardiovascular, neurological, and immune systems, and chronic conditions
Those who might have been considered ‘healthy’ before infection can rapidly transition into the category of the vulnerable”
“Why Covid Keeps Winning We didn’t learn a thing.”