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Column: University Approved Absences must be expanded for illness
Column: University Approved Absences must be expanded for illness
“Only significant health conditions that cause students to be absent for around five or more consecutive class days will be approved. This includes ‘severe communicable diseases that require isolation.’ While this would have included COVID-19 a few years ago when a 14-day isolation period was expected, new CDC guidelines only require isolation until the person is fever-free for 24 hours with no fever-reducing medicine.”
Only significant health conditions that cause students to be absent for around five or more consecutive class days will be approved. This includes “severe communicable diseases that require isolation.” While this would have included COVID-19 a few years ago when a 14-day isolation period was expected, new CDC guidelines only require isolation until the person is fever-free for 24 hours with no fever-reducing medicine.
Column: University Approved Absences must be expanded for illness
The DNC just gaslit the entire country. There won’t be another segment on tv more detached from reality than this exchange on the Pandemic.
The DNC just gaslit the entire country. There won’t be another segment on tv more detached from reality than this exchange on the Pandemic.

The DNC just gaslit the entire country. There won’t be another segment on tv more detached from reality than this exchange on the Pandemic.

“4 years ago, this would’ve been a superspreader event. It feels really good to breathe air and see everyone’s smiling faces.”

The DNC just gaslit the entire country. There won’t be another segment on tv more detached from reality than this exchange on the Pandemic.