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Health and air travel: Why I still wear a mask on planes
Health and air travel: Why I still wear a mask on planes

“I’m sick of getting sick on planes. I got another case of COVID-19 last month, on a domestic flight, sitting near a woman who was sneezing. I wore an N95 mask, but she was only wearing the loose surgical type. I suspect she knew she was infectious.”

I’m sick of getting sick on planes. I got another case of COVID-19 last month, on a domestic flight, sitting near a woman who was sneezing. I wore an N95 mask, but she was only wearing the loose surgical type. I suspect she knew she was infectious.
Health and air travel: Why I still wear a mask on planes
Al Haddrell is awesome. ❤️👇
Al Haddrell is awesome. ❤️👇

Al Haddrell is awesome. ❤️👇 Watch this brilliant explainer of how higher CO2 levels aren't just an indicator that there is more exhaled air in a room, but a boost to viral airborne longevity.

Al Haddrell is awesome. ❤️👇
Air Purifiers for Cars: Everything You Need to Know - Kelley Blue Book
Air Purifiers for Cars: Everything You Need to Know - Kelley Blue Book
“Some automakers are taking steps to improve the air inside their vehicles. Honda Motors Europe introduced a premium air filter to prevent various germs, virus particles, and allergens from entering the cabin.”
Some automakers are taking steps to improve the air inside their vehicles. Honda Motors Europe introduced a premium air filter to prevent various germs, virus particles, and allergens from entering the cabin.
Air Purifiers for Cars: Everything You Need to Know - Kelley Blue Book
Indoor air quality impact on viral transmission | Chief Scientist
Indoor air quality impact on viral transmission | Chief Scientist
“The impact of Indoor air quality on the transmission of airborne viral diseases in public buildings: a systematic review of evidence was commissioned through the Office of the Chief Scientist and prepared by the University of Wollongong Sustainable Buildings Research” Centre.
Indoor air quality impact on viral transmission | Chief Scientist