“I genuinely thought there might be a momentary lull between the summer and autumn waves this year here. But no. There's tons of infections around, and XEC (which seems to be able to reinfect due to the T22N mutation on the spike, growth below) is not hanging around.”
Cryptosporidiosis was one of the original AIDS-defining conditions.
This chart overlays Covid surges and cryptosporidiosis.
September 2, 2024 Covid levels
Overall, fewer than 20% of COVID-19 deaths are being reported in these public places in all provinces (a bit higher in Quebec in fall/winter season, but not much).
Provinces are only reporting 20% of COVID deaths, that would mean that Alberta's 735 deaths in the last 12 months is actually around 3675. Which would be by far the #1 cause of death.
US record-keeping is similarly limited/skewed
“Some back-of-the-envelope math to think about what the next few years will look like.
Assumptions: *average of 1 infection/person/yr *half of infections are asymptomatic *super-optimistic: symptomatic cases recover fully in one week (no long COVID etc.)
What happens? 1/4”
Great thread:
“BREAKING: Up to 50% of Americans Expected to Be Infected in Current COVID-19 Wave.
The current COVID-19 wave in the U.S. has resulted in approximately 24.3% of Americans being infected since May 2, and around 19.3% since the surge began on June 23.”