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CDC announces free COVID-19 tests, treatments
CDC announces free COVID-19 tests, treatments

Surge too big to dismiss:

“Government health officials announced the return of free tests, vaccines and treatments.”

Government health officials announced the return of free tests, vaccines and treatments.
CDC announces free COVID-19 tests, treatments
PBS News Hour live episode, Aug. 20, 2024
PBS News Hour live episode, Aug. 20, 2024
At 47:39 interview on the huge summer Covid surge w/ Eric Topol, who notes 1M US cases a day. He says Covid is same family of viruses as colds WRONG. That family is rhinoviruses. He reports high transmissible variant; waning immunity, & "abandoned mitigation” to blame. Masks encouraged. Nasal vax discussed. Decent questions from reporter. overall FAIL from huge public health figure.
PBS News Hour live episode, Aug. 20, 2024
South Korean news used to do updates on COVID numbers on all their news channels early on. During surges they still do 20 minute segments on COVID. This one is from yesterday. People still want this information. Wish we had this here in the US.
South Korean news used to do updates on COVID numbers on all their news channels early on. During surges they still do 20 minute segments on COVID. This one is from yesterday. People still want this information. Wish we had this here in the US.

August 19, 2024: “South Korean news used to do updates on COVID numbers on all their news channels early on. During surges they still do 20 minute segments on COVID. This one is from yesterday. People still want this information. Wish we had this here in the US.”

South Korean news used to do updates on COVID numbers on all their news channels early on. During surges they still do 20 minute segments on COVID. This one is from yesterday. People still want this information. Wish we had this here in the US.
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“It’s not just random luck that the Australian Olympic team athletes are protecting their health & Olympic performance with high quality respirators

It’s an evidence based, well planned strategy devised by Dr Carolyn Broderick, medical director of Aus Olympic team”

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Unite against COVID-19 on Twitter
Unite against COVID-19 on Twitter

Every time you catch COVID-19, your risk of other severe issues starts to rise.

Research is starting to show that with reinfection, your chance of serious issues such as diabetes, mental health issues, and chronic fatigue goes up.

Unite against COVID-19 on Twitter
Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter
Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter

EVERYONE STOP AND WATCH—This is what it looks like to live with #longCOVID.

“Everything tastes like dog shit” “I can’t swallow” “My hair is falling out” “My food tastes like it comes from a dumpster housing a dead raccoon🦝”

Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter