Nearly half of COVID-19 survivors in African countries report ongoing symptoms, with fatigue being the most common.
Up to 25% of patients experience mental health issues like PTSD and anxiety, which African health systems are unprepared to address.
translation/analysis thread on German Long Covid video which equates it with MECFS and calls ME “the most serious form of long covid.”
“currently it looks like an autoimmune disease where something has gone wrong with the vasculature, and both the mitochondrial dynamics and glycolytic metabolism are disturbed.
There are at least 500k patients in Germany.”
“We have lived through a Covid summer – and there is new cause for concern
With lives being turned upside down by sudden illness and a steady mortality rate related to the disease, Covid and its after-effects are still looming menacingly over us. Zoë Beaty talks to experts and those suffering to find out more”
“Asking @CDCgov, from my bedroom, where I'm moored because of #LongCovid, why the CDC isn't recommending masking -- alongside handwashing, vaxes and testing (which they are recommending). Alt text of response from Dr. Brendan Jackson below. 1/7”
Excellent thread:
Approximately 16 million working-age Americans (aged 18 to 65) have long Covid today.
Of those, 2 to 4 million are out of work due to long Covid.
The annual cost of those lost wages alone is around $170 billion a year (potentially as high as $230 billion).
Not. The. Flu. Not. Mild. NOT. OVER.
Actually, Democrats, Covid DOES continue to rule our lives.
Massachusetts study of 280 healthcare workers 3 years post-Covid: 73.4% with Long Covid reported worse quality of life, depression, anxiety, & stress.
Fear of Covid reinfection similar between groups.
Support needed.
The impact on our healthcare workforce is immense, occurring at the same time the general population needs our help more as they too are sickened and disabled by long-covid and post-covid conditions.
in a review of 56 literature studies: Long Covid is “prevalent" among Health Care workers who become infected by SARS-CoV-2
“Study from Switzerland: 245 COVID-19 patients surveyed 4 months post-hospital discharge.
Only 28.2% were symptom-free.
Women and those with longer hospital stays reported more persistent symptoms.
76.4% had memory and concentration issues.
August, 2024 LA Times:
"Each new infection also carries the risk of long COVID — in which symptoms, sometimes severe enough to be debilitating, can emerge, persist, resolve and reemerge over a period of weeks, months or years."
Interview with @franhaddock_ who has Severe ME and Long COVID on BBC Sheffield (6 mins)
Interview is about being 98% bedbound and the new report on the prevalence of Long COVID and the inequalities it has highlighted. Also mentions #MECFS
“Covid disabled me, took away my entire life. Reinfection made me a lot sicker, twice. Experts warn about reinfection and covid isn't gone.
Yet nobody who comes to visit me masks or tests or even asks me what precaution they should take.”