“Rules to try to limit the spread of Covid during the pandemic should have been the same across the UK, a former cabinet minister has said. Simon Hart has claimed ‘politics in the decision-making’ led to different restrictions on things like wearing face masks in Wales and England after being agreed by their respective governments. ‘I just didn't feel that decisions were being made purely on the basis of disease control and risk management,’ said the former Welsh secretary and MP.”

Covid History
“tern @1goodtern:
Right you lovely people. It's time to talk about the Third Bump again.
Strap in, this isn't good news. Just to give you a quick recap: Before the pandemic started, annual rates of sickness, new onset disability, and death were pretty constant here…”
““In just 4 years, Covid has killed more people than AIDS did in 40—both have devastated the arts.
Governments and workplaces once built the infrastructure to protect us, but now they’ve torn it all down. The world needs art more than ever to remind us of our shared humanity.”
Three scientists at the National Center for Medical Intelligence concluded in the summer of 2021 that COVID-19 was likely manipulated in a biolaboratory.
However, this information was suppressed by the Pentagon and not included in White House briefings.
The virus had features suggesting it was engineered, and a Chinese military researcher applied for a COVID-19 vaccine patent shortly after the virus was sequenced.
The scientists were forbidden from sharing their findings with Congress or the FBI.
The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic’s final report is the most thorough review of the pandemic conducted to date.
This report ensures COVID-19 accountability and serves as a roadmap for the U.S. to prepare for and respond to future pandemics.