LitCovid - NCBI - NLM - NIH
PubMed database with 450,000 scientific studies of SARS-CoV-2, including 18,400 on Long-COVID & 19,500 case reports.
“322 days later, and I was FINALLY able to access safe dental care yesterday.
I’ve never been so excited to go to the dentist.
Let me tell you a bit about Wellness Dental in San Diego”
Librarians and archivists are superheroes without capes.
The entire archive of all CDC datasets uploaded before January 28th, 2025 has been backed up on Internet Archive, Trump/Musk purge be damned.
Thank you Internet Archive!
Duplicate of Long COVID Household Pulse Survey that Trump purged from internet.
NEW: What COVID-19 Does to the Body (Sixth Edition)
The latest compilation of over 100+ studies on SARS-CoV-2's effects all over the body, and how to prevent & mitigate infections, organized by organ & topic.