LitCovid - NCBI - NLM - NIH
PubMed database with 450,000 scientific studies of SARS-CoV-2, including 18,400 on Long-COVID & 19,500 case reports.
NEW: What COVID-19 Does to the Body (Sixth Edition)
The latest compilation of over 100+ studies on SARS-CoV-2's effects all over the body, and how to prevent & mitigate infections, organized by organ & topic.
“Welcome to Sign up to view listings of Covid Aware businesses and medical providers.
This website will also be updated to contain links to the latest research on Covid’s effects.”
More than 1600 scientific publications on long covid listed in the bibliography of the association @apresj20 : And more than 300 on neurological sequelae. #longcovid Feel free to share our work with doctors, researchers, scientists in your communities!