Starting thread on Covid resources, compilations of medical studies, blogs, bookmark pages, etc. Feel free to leave links to your own threads and websites in comments.
Covid Resources
Pandemic(s)—Laurie Allee’s curated Twitter list of Covid experts, journalists, advocates, patients and data-gatherers.
I am no longer active on Twitter, but I still maintain and add to this list of credible sources. Follow this list.
If it does not load here, search my Twitter profile public lists and choose Pandemic(s) ✊😷
Scott posts great printable/postable posters and memes.
Here are the basics that everyone should know after 5 years but which public health failed to inform people about. As always please share.
Extend the School Day by an Hour to Make Extra Sure All the Children, Teachers, Staff, Parents, Everyone Get Infected More
Follow The Vertlartnic for brilliant and hilarious takes on our absurd government and media response to the ongoing pandemic.
People's CDC
World Health Network
Great Covid interviews from the grassroots public health folks at World Health Network
Data Report
Daily Covid updates
Subscribe to The Covid-Is-Not-Over Newsletter
Flo Mask
Teams Human | Chloe Humbert | Substack
Subscribe to Dr. Ruth’s Newsletter©
The Sick Times - Chronicling the Long Covid crisis
KN95 Masks | Hope Health Supply
World Health Network - WHN
pandemic resource roundup
Great resource from Justin Clarel
protective fashion face masks (mask lab USA)
KF94 Masks, Posh, BOTN, Blue Mask, Cosmetics, Ginseng
Comprehensively identifying Long Covid articles with...
Our manuscript describing this long-term project of LitCov and the collection itself is now available on arXiv: We are currently updating the data through July 2022
Robert Leaman on Twitter
Some take-away points: most methods will only retrieve about 20% of the articles relevant to #LongCovid; our method identifies many more but isn't perfect: the language is just too variable
CovidStudies | Zotero
Excellent, comprehensive catalog of Covid studies
Long COVID source list
Excellent Long Covid resource list
Resources LongCovid -ApresJ20 | 06-09-2023 update
More than 1600 scientific publications on long covid listed in the bibliography of the association @apresj20 : And more than 300 on neurological sequelae. #longcovid Feel free to share our work with doctors, researchers, scientists in your communities!
laurie allee on Twitter
Thread on Mobile Dentist
Looking for fellow Covid-aware folks? Check out
covidisntover | Twitter, Instagram, TikTok | Linktree
There’s over 100 virtual events on the Covid isn’t over community calendar this month alone! So many opportunities to plug into some virtual time with community 😍 such a wide variety of hosts too! All by Covid safe people for Covid safe people. #covidisntover #stillcoviding #covidsafe
Welcome to r/stillcoviding a community of like-minded people who think that COVID still exists and masks should be worn. We are pro-vaccine and pro-masking when needed. Come on in show you vaccination status and keep at least 6 feet apart.
still coviding groups - Bing
Search page for Still Coviding groups
When you hear anyone in the news say "during the pandemic" or "post-pandemic", this is what they are talking about:
covid has never been over
wastewater levels prove waves happening over and over
Thread of all the Covid resources I’ve created. Links to PDFs located in my bio. Please feel free to use & share!
Thread of all the Covid resources I’ve created. Links to PDFs located in my bio. Please feel free to use & share!