Long Covid/PASC (general)
“Every time you get the virus is another chance to end up with Long Covid.
‘It gets really ugly very quickly,’ said Arijit Chakravarty, a COVID researcher in Massachusetts, ‘because what it means is that if you wait long enough, everyone is at risk of getting it.’”
“‘We just want to be heard’: Long COVID patients still feel invisible Scores of long COVID patients reached out to the Globe after a recent story on doctors finding new ways to manage the condition…more than 75 Boston Globe readers who reached out to share their experiences after reading a front-page story profiling a handful of doctors, including at the Brigham, who are using experimental treatments to help patients suffering from the little understood disease. Long COVID afflicts an estimated 7 percent of the population, or close to 18 million Americans.”
“Solange Says She’s Living With This ‘Debilitating’ Condition — And Diagnoses Are Rising…she’s been living with ‘debilitating’ and ‘confusing’ symptoms of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) after model Shaun Ross posted on social media last month that he developed the condition after experiencing long COVID.”
New study on changes in mitochondria in Long Covid.
1️⃣Increased ROS (super oxide dismutase 1), … note Taurine can help counteract 2️⃣changes in mito recycling (mitophagy) and 3️⃣a potential biomarker: lower amounts of circulating free mito dna… could be used as a test
“Heart attacks🫀in people under 40 have risen 66% since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. COVID is a vascular disease
COVID can affect the cardiovascular system by increasing blood stickiness, which raises the likelihood of blood clot formation.”
New LONG COVID survey by YouGov (commissioned by @LongCovidSOS):
🚨Over 4% of respondents have Long Covid
🚨A further 6% said they might have LC but weren’t sure
🚨1 in 3 reported knowing someone with Long Covid
🚨25% were concerned about Long Covid
Risk if Long Covid with reinfection:
In this study : ▶️ The risk was 33% for those infected for the first time ▶️ But the risk was 43% among those who experienced reinfection
“Matt McGorry opened up about how contracting long COVID has altered his life.
On October 29th, the How to Get Away with Murder actor shared an eight minute long video on Instagram where he spoke about his struggles with the symptoms of the virus. “
Risk of long COVID reaches 37% after three infections, according to INSPQ The risk of developing long COVID increases with each COVID-19 infection.
It is estimated at 13% after one infection, 23% after two infections, and 37% after three infections.
Western researchers closing in on treatment for long COVID…The CEO of Google founded the Schmidt Institute for LongCovid.
“SILC-supported researchers are studying the symptoms of 6,000 patients & looking for clues in their blood—particularly the behavior of thousands of proteins & hundreds of biological markers—to determine the pathology of LongCovid & why & how it persists…
In the future, SILC & its research partners .. aim to use this information to find therapeutics & improved tests for LongCovid.”
“#LongCovid can lead to organ damage, inflammation, and blood abnormalities.
Clinically Vulnerable people are already dealing with health challenges. Health privilege can mean that those unaffected may not fully grasp that, for us, additional damage is not an acceptable risk.”