A two part thread - fabric and lace covers for AURA N95s. - because respirators can look darn good as well as keeping your lungs, brain - and your everything good as well!
Laurie Allee in BNX N95
Laurie Allee in BNX N95 with vintage butterfly pin attached to strap.
Three of us on this flight with N95s (or a mask of any kind). Two rural generalists and a paediatrician. 🤔
“Three of us on this flight with N95s (or a mask of any kind). Two rural generalists and a paediatrician. 🤔”
Universal Mask Chain set commissions now open on Ko-Fi! | Gwen B With LC
Universal Mask Chain set commissions now open on Ko-Fi!
Universal Mask Chain set commissions now open on Ko-Fi!
Beautiful mask chains by ! You can salt the vibes with style and help someone with Long COVID, too. If you want a special look for your respie, please check it out and read about the options here:
“Beautiful mask chains by @PenGwenWithLC! You can salt the vibes with style and help someone with Long COVID, too. If you want a special look for your respie, please check it out and read about the options here:”