Unusual risks from Covid
Multiple studies have shown patients have a low magnesium level after Covid infection. One study found 61% of hospitalized patients had hypomagnesemia:
“New study shows that driving under the cognitive influence of Covid increased the likelihood of having a car crash by 1.5 times…
…’comparable to driving under the influence of alcohol at legal limits or driving with a seizure disorder.’”
Not that doctors in the US are doing this but: "Symptoms to look for in months after Covid...
Signs of Kidney Disease -frequent need to urinate -urine that’s foamy or bloody -swollen ankles and feet -dry and itchy skin -weight loss or poor appetite..."
"Some COVID Patients Need Amputations to Survive
Impaired blood flow leads to loss of limbs"
1 in 4 post-Covid have cognitive dysfunction: "...has persistent concentration difficulties, has problems with verbal or non-verbal learning, has short-term or working memory loss, & many other symptoms related to the brain"
"SARS-CoV-2 can cause quick and significant bone loss—even when infections appear to be mild..."
Mice infected with the virus: Lost 25% of bone mass within 2 weeks Had 63% increase in osteoclasts--cells that cause bone to break down.
"Ovarian injury, including declined ovarian reserve and reproductive endocrine disorder, can be observed in women with COVID-19. More attention should be paid to their ovarian function under this pandemic, especially regarding reproductive-aged women."
Difficulty speaking/inability to speak:
“There are now growing reports with evidence of neurological and dysexecutive syndromes subsequent to interference of brain functions in acute patients with COVID-19, leading to variable aphasia-like symptoms.”
"Ophthalmologists should have a high index of suspicion for retinal vascular occlusions in patients presenting with decreased vision or blurry vision with a history of COVID-19 infection as prompt intervention may prevent irreversible visual loss:"
"Covid Psychosis: Some feel distress and 'impaired sense of reality' after sickness"
EVERYONE STOP AND WATCH—This is what it looks like to live with #longCOVID.
“Everything tastes like dog shit” “I can’t swallow” “My hair is falling out” “My food tastes like it comes from a dumpster housing a dead raccoon🦝”
"'I thought my teen daughter had brain fog from long Covid - it turned out to be dementia'
Gianna Cabo was unable to recall her most treasured childhood memories when she was still suffering from the effects of Covid"